(A) Pursuant to KRS 83A.085, there is hereby created a nonelective city office to be known as the office of City Treasurer.
(B) The City Treasurer shall be appointed by the Commission at the January meeting of even numbered years for a term of two years, expiring on December 31 of odd numbered years, or until a successor is appointed and qualified.
(C) The City Treasurer shall be at least 21 years of age and of good moral character, and shall possess professional training and experience to ensure competent performance of the duties of the office. Residency within the city shall not be required, although residents shall be preferred.
(D) The duties and responsibilities of the City Treasurer shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) Receive and safely keep all city funds belonging to the city. These funds shall be kept in an official depository designated by the City Commission;
(2) Keep an accurate and complete account of all the receipts and expenditures of the city, showing amounts, when, from whom, to whom, and for what purpose all city funds were received or paid out;
(3) Disburse city funds by written authorization approved by the City Commission, which shall state the name of the person to whom funds are payable, the purpose of the payment, the fund out of which the funds are payable;
(4) Make quarterly settlements with the City Clerk, and prepare a statement showing the receipts and expenditures of the city for the preceding quarter and the amount remaining in each fund in the treasury which, when approved by the City Commission, shall be spread at large upon the record;
(5) Make monthly reports to the City Commission showing the state of the finances of the city, and the amounts received and spent during the month, which reports shall be filed;
(6) Make an annual report at the close of the fiscal year with the total amount of all receipts and expenditures of the city and the transactions during the preceding year; and
(7) Perform any other duties as may be required by the City Commission.
(E) The salary of the City Treasurer is hereby fixed by the City Commission at not less than the federal minimum wage, payable weekly, or as otherwise directed by the Commission.
(F) Before entering upon the duties of office, the City Treasurer shall execute bond conditioned upon the faithful performance of his or her duties, including the duties of all offices of which he or she is ex officio incumbent. The amount and sufficiency of the bond shall be approved by the City Commission. The bond of the City Treasurer shall be filed with the Commission.
(G) Before entering upon the duties of office, the City Treasurer shall take the oath prescribed by Kentucky Constitution, § 228, for city officials.
(Ord. 11, Series 1984, passed 9-6-1984; Ord. 90-02, passed 1-4-1990)