§ 31.36 CITY CLERK.
    (A)   The city hereby establishes the office of the City Clerk.
   (B)   The office of City Clerk may, by ordinance, be combined with any other nonelected city office by inclusion of the title and duties of the office.
   (C)   The duties and responsibilities of the Clerk shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Maintenance and safekeeping of the permanent records of the city;
      (2)   Performance of the duties required of the official custodian or custodian in accordance with KRS 61.870 to 61.882;
      (3)   Possession of the seal of the city if used;
      (4)   No later than January 31 of each year, mail or electronically submit to the Department for Local Government a list containing current city information, including, but not limited to, the following:
         (a)   The correct name, telephone number, and electronic mail address of the mayor, legislative body members, and the correct name, telephone number, and electronic mail address for the city’s appointed officials or employees who are serving in the following roles or substantially similar roles as of January 1 of each year:
            1.   City Clerk;
            2.   City Treasurer or Chief Financial Officer;
            3.   City Manager or Administrator;
            4.   City Attorney;
            5.   Human Resources Director;
            6.   Police Chief;
            7.   Fire Chief;
            8.   Public Works Director;
            9.   Risk Manager;
            10.   Information Technology Manager;
            11.   Public Relations or Communications Officer; and
            12.   Planning and Zoning Administrator.
         (b)   The correct name of the city, mailing address for City Hall and telephone number of City Hall; and
         (c)   The name and telephone number of either an elected or appointed official to serve as a contact person who may be reached during normal business hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
      (5)   Performance of all other duties and responsibilities required of the City Clerk by statute or ordinance;
(KRS 83A.085)
      (6)   The City Clerk shall keep a true and complete record of all proceedings of the legislative body and those other records as he or she may be directed by the legislative body to keep and shall perform those duties as may be required;
      (7)   The City Clerk shall maintain a composite index of all general ordinances of the city:
         (a)   The ordinances shall be listed by date, title and Kentucky Ordinance Code number in chronological order;
         (b)   The contents of each ordinance shall be typed on eight and one-half inch by 11 inch paper, assigned an appropriate KOC number and placed in a binder; and
         (c)   The contents of the ordinance shall be described by one or more appropriate words arranged in alphabetical order and indicating the KOC number.
      (8)   The City Clerk shall keep and index all public records of the city, including all grants, contracts, title to property owned by the city and special ordinances; and shall make copies of any documents, records and papers of the city as may be required by any person, and charge, collect and pay into the city treasury the fee as will pay for the cost of those copies.
   (D)   Compensation shall be in the amount as established by the City Commission from time to time as set forth in § 31.02.
   (E)   No person shall be appointed or act as the City Clerk unless the person has taken the oath required by § 228 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and has provided bond, if required, with corporate surety authorized to transact business in Kentucky and conditioned upon the performance of the duties specified herein.
(Ord. 11, Series 1984, passed 9-6-1984)