§ 37.135 TIME RECORDS.
   (A)   Time records will be kept on all nonexempt employees to facilitate the city's compliance with overtime pay requirements. The time record will reflect a single pay period consisting of one workweek. Time must be logged as the total number of hours actually worked each day, excluding meal periods. Any vacation, sick, compensatory leave time, or other paid leave time used by the employee must be recorded on the time record. Time records must be completed and submitted to the employee’s supervisor no later than the Thursday morning immediately following the end of the pay period. Supervisors shall review and approve or disapprove time records in a timely manner.
   (B)   Except for the department director or immediate supervisor of the employee, all employees are forbidden from entering any information on another employee’s time record. An employee shall not falsify information on their own time record. Employees found to have violated this policy will be subject to discipline, up to, and including, discharge. Any errors discovered in an employee's time record shall be reported immediately to the City Treasurer, who will determine the manner and method of correcting legitimate errors.
(Ord. 5-11-2023-A, passed 6-8-2023)