(A)   The city will make all legally required deductions from an employee’s gross pay in accordance with applicable legal requirements, including:
      (1)   Federal and state income taxes;
      (2)   Social Security (FICA) taxes; and
      (3)   Deductions required by wage garnishment or child support orders.
   (B)   The city may also deduct from an employee’s pay their portion of insurance premiums and voluntary contributions.
   (C)   Employees may request voluntary deductions be made from their gross pay, such as contributions to optional retirement plans. The employee shall obtain the appropriate form to request voluntary deductions from the City Treasurer.
   (D)   When the city must rely on information provided by the employee in order to make any legally required deduction, it is the sole responsibility of the employee to provide accurate and timely information to the city.
   (E)   In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, the city prohibits improper deductions from the pay of exempt employees and will reimburse employees for any improper deduction. When an exempt employee has exhausted all paid leave, the city may deduct for absences of one or more full days for leave related to sickness, disability, unpaid disciplinary suspensions, or for other personal reasons. In addition, the city may make either full- or partial-day deductions from the pay of an exempt employee during the first or the last week of employment when only part of the week is worked by the employee. Any exempt employee who believes that an improper pay deduction has been made shall immediately file a written complaint with the City Treasurer setting forth the dates, amounts, reasons, and any other information for the pay deduction. The City Treasurer, along with the City Commission, shall take immediate action to investigate the issue, and if found to be an improper deduction, shall cause the employee to be compensated for the improper deduction within two pay periods from the date the written complaint was filed.
   (F)   No other deductions will be made.
   (G)   All deductions from an employee’s pay will be listed on their pay stub. If an employee has questions about any deductions from their pay or if they believe improper deductions have been made from their pay, they must report their concern to the City Treasurer immediately.
(Ord. 5-11-2023-A, passed 6-8-2023)