A nonrefundable application fee will be collected at the time the stormwater management plan or application for variance is submitted. The permit fee will provide for the cost of plan review, administration, and management of the permitting process, and inspection of all Stormwater BMPs required by this chapter. An application fee schedule shall be established by the Town Council; fees shall be based upon the relative complexity of the project and may be amended from time to time.
(A) Site plan reviews.
(1) Single-Family/Duplex subdivisions.
No. of Lots Fee
1 lot $100
2 - 4 lots 150
5 - 9 lots 300
10 - 15 lots 400
16 - 25 lots 550
26 - 50 lots 700
51 - 100 lots 950
100 plus lots: $950, plus $40 per lot for each lot over 100.
(2) Site plans: Multi-family, commercial, industrial, parking lots, pipelines, utilities, land grading, quarrying, mining; landfills, demolition, and the like.
Lot Size Fee
Up to 30,000 sq. ft. $150
30,000 sq. ft - 1.5 acres 200
2 acres - 5 acres 300
6 acres - 10 acres 425
11 acres - 20 acres 550
21 acres - 50 acres 700
51 acres - 75 acres 950
76 plus acres: $950, plus $40 per acre for each acre over 75.
(B) Site inspections.
(1) Single Family/Duplex subdivisions.
No. of Lots Fee
1 lot $50
2 - 4 lots 100
5 - 9 lots 150
10 - 15 lots 175
16 - 25 lots 200
26 - 50 lots 275
51 - 100 lots 400
100 plus lots 500
(2) Site plans: same as division (A)(2) of this section.
Lot Size Fee
Up to 30,000 sq. ft $75
30,000 sq. ft. - 1.5 acres 100
2 acres - 5 acres 125
6 acres - 10 acres 175
11 acres - 20 acres 250
21 acres - 50 acres 350
51 acres - 75 acres 400
76 plus acres 500
(Ord. passed 2-21-06)