(A)   Except as hereinafter provided, every alarm user utilizing an automatic dialing system shall obtain a user's permit for each system installed, or to be installed, from the Office of the Chief of Police upon the effective date of this chapter or prior to use of the system. Each permit when issued shall be physically located upon the premises using the system and available for inspection by the chief or his designee. Permits so issued are not transferable.
   (B)   The application shall be completed and signed by the individual who owns, leases or otherwise uses the alarm system and shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
      (1)   The name of the protected premises if it is a commercial establishment;
      (2)   The address of the protected premises including any apartment or unit number or other customary identifier for multiple occupancies at an address;
      (3)   The name and home address of the individual who applies for the permit;
      (4)   The home, business and cellular telephone numbers of the permittee;
      (5)   The type of system installed including:
         (a)   The type of emergency the system is designed to protect and report; and
         (b)   The method or methods used to annunciate the alarm device or devices;
      (6)   The name, address and business telephone number, including an after hours emergency number, if any, of the monitoring service;
      (7)   A statement as to whether or not the system is equipped to automatically rearm itself and if so, after what period of time;
      (8)   The cut off time for audible signals;
      (9)   The name, address and telephone number, including any after hours emergency number of the installing company or individual; and
      (10)   The name, address and telephone number including any after hours emergency number, of the servicing company, if different from the installing company.
   (C)   The alarm user shall be responsible for notifying the Chief of Police, in writing, of any changes in the permit application information at least ten days prior to the effective date of such change. Whoever desires to install, have installed or reactivate an alarm system after the effective date of this chapter shall obtain an alarm use permit prior to installation or reactivation.
   (D)   The Chief of Police may deny or revoke an alarm user permit for any of the following reasons:
      (1)   Fraud or willful and knowing misrepresentation or false statement made in the application for an alarm use permit or in the operation of the licensed system;
      (2)   Deliberate activation of a false alarm;
      (3)   Use of an alarm system to summon public safety personnel for a condition other than what the system was designed to detect and report as authorized in the permit;
      (4)   Failure to correct and deficiencies in equipment, procedure or operation, and
      (5)   Failure to allow inspection of equipment after a false alarm.
(Ord. passed 8-15-05) Penalty, see § 99.99