§ 96.09 PLANTING.
   (A)   Planting voids on major streets and in commercial areas shall be identified and proposed for planting by the Tree Commission.
   (B)   The following factors shall be given thorough consideration in selecting tree species for planting:
      (1)   Initiation of perpetuation of a canopy effect;
      (2)   Pest resistance;
      (3)   Diversification of species to provide disease resistance within the tree population;
      (4)   Low maintenance (spraying, pruning, sweeping);
      (5)   Tolerance of urban conditions (salt, compaction, root space, fumes);
      (6)   Seasonal color criteria;
      (7)   Size of the species for its location must not interfere with the visual right-of-way;
      (8)   All trees should be cold hardy to this region and of appropriate size for the recommended planting area(s);
      (9)   Location of utility lines, planting under or near such lines should be avoided whenever possible.
   (C)   In residential areas canopy trees shall be given preference over other species. Tax-deductible gifts of trees are welcomed. Arrangements for planting gift trees may be made with the Tree Commission. If as a result of road construction, some large trees are displaced, the Tree Commissioner may request replacement trees be located on private property with the owner's consent. The trees will then be planted by the town and ownership transferred to the private property owner.
(Ord. passed 4-3-95)