(A)   There shall be created by this chapter a Tree Commission, which Commission shall be responsible for the management of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. The Commission shall be composed of at least nine members who shall be appointed for three-year staggered terms, commencing in January of each year by the Town Council.
   (B)   The Commission shall, to the extent practicable, include:
      (1)   Five voting members:
         (a)   Planning Board Representative
         (b)   Conservation Commission Representative
         (c)   Open Space Commission Representative
         (d)   Two lay citizens, resident of the town.
      (2)   Ex officio members:
         (a)   Town Planner
         (b)   Tree Warden
         (c)   Public Works Representative.
   (C)   All members of the Commission shall serve without pay or compensation. Within two months of the annual appointment of new full-term members, the Commission shall select from its members a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson who shall serve annual terms.
   (D)   The Tree Commission shall:
      (1)   Meet on a monthly basis.
      (2)   Promote the conservation, planting, health and growth of trees in the town.
      (3)   Recommend to the Town Council any legislation, plans, policies and programs complementary to the intent and purpose of this chapter.
      (4)   Coordinate efforts with town departments, the Planning and Zoning Boards, state agencies and private individuals to promote the planting of new trees and to protect and preserve the existing trees.
      (5)   Coordinate efforts by individual citizens, businesses, neighborhood or charitable organizations and other groups wishing to donate monies, volunteer work, or information to protect, preserve and enhance town trees.
      (6)   The Tree Commission shall adopt, subject to approval by the Town Council, such rules, regulations and permitting procedures as are deemed necessary to carry out the intent and enforcement of this chapter. Said rules, regulations, and permits shall include, but not be limited to, the planting, maintenance, removal, fertilization, pruning, or any act which will, in any other way, affect public or protected trees and shall be adhered to by any and all persons.
      (7)   Develop a five-year planting program which shall be revised annually and submitted to the Town Administrator for incorporation into the annual town budget for funding.
(Ord. passed 4-3-95)