Whenever a sidewalk or portion thereof shall become encumbered with snow, ice, mud, obstruction or debris, it shall be the duty of the owner, occupant or person in charge of the property abutting upon such sidewalk to remove the same during daylight or before 9:00 a.m. after the falling of snow during darkness. In complying with the foregoing requirements, no person shall use any pick, axe or other sharp tool or implement which could cause damage to the sidewalk.
('73 Code, § 21-1) Penalty, see § 94.99
(A) Every person owning land abutting on any street, court or way in the town shall, within 30 days after such real estate has been numbered or renumbered by the town Fire Department, adopt such number or numbers as may be established. The Fire Chief shall notify in writing every such person of the number or numbers given to such real estate within one week after the number is established.
(B) Duty of property owners to affix assigned numbers on buildings.
(1) Every person receiving notice from the Fire Chief of the number or numbers that have been established for such real estate shall, if there is a dwelling house or commercial building thereon, within 30 days after the receipt of such notice, cause to be affixed to such dwelling house or commercial building, in a conspicuous place near the main entrance to the premises, the number so established.
(2) Numbers and letters shall be a minimum of three inches, colored to stand out against background color. Line-of-sight from the road must not be impeded by plantings or other objects or structures.
(3) A dwelling house or commercial building set back from the road may require, upon determination of the Fire Department, the placement of the assigned number on the mailbox, a tree, fence, wall or separate post at or near the street or road line, in addition to displaying the numerals on the dwelling house or commercial building.
(C) Only assigned numbers to be used. No number other than the number so established by the Fire Department shall be used by the owner for his land.
(Ord. passed 9-3-91)