Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this chapter, any person charged with a parking violation may elect to waive appearance in court and pay the fine imposed for such violation by mail as follows:
   (A)   An envelope shall be addressed to the Chief of Police of the Town of Middletown, R.I., and mailed, postpaid, by depositing such envelope in a receptacle provided by the United States for the mailing of letters, not more than six days from the date of the offense.
   (B)   The envelope mentioned in division (A) above shall contain the notice of violation and the amount of the fine as stated in such notice, payment to be made in cash or by money order or personal check; provided, that if any personal check is returned for insufficient funds, an additional penalty of $10 is hereby levied, which shall be collectable in the same manner as other fines and penalties are collected.
('73 Code, § 15-34)
Statutory reference:
   State requirement that parking fines be payable by mail, see § 45-6.1-1 et seq.