(A) It is the policy of the town to promote employees's efficiency, health and morale through periodic interruption from their duties. Leave should be scheduled with due consideration to the needs of the activity, but supervisors should avoid conveying the impression that the non-use of annual leave is in itself desirable or commendable.
(B) A liberal leave policy may be maintained in circumstances such as, but not necessarily limited to, the following:
(1) Religious observances, in the case of which activities can usually find means whereby the needs of the service and the sincere religious scruples of employees can both be satisfied. Absence on Holy Days should be charged to annual leave.
(2) Illness in the employee's immediate family where the employee's care and attendance is required but where the illness is not of a nature to permit the use of sick leave.
('73 Code, § 7-39) (Ord. passed 10-5-70)