(A)   All applicants for positions in the classified service shall be subject to competitive examination. The examination shall pertain to those matters which test fairly the capacity and fitness of the candidates to discharge efficiently the duties of the class for which the examination is held. Examination may be assembled or unassembled, and may include written, oral, physical or performance tests, or any combination of these. They may take into consideration such factors as education, experience, aptitude, knowledge, character, physical fitness or other qualifications which enter into the determination of the relative fitness of applicants.
('73 Code, § 7-24) (Ord. passed 10-5-70)
   (B)   The time and place at which each examination for positions in the classified service is to be held shall be given timely publication in a newspaper in general circulation in the Newport area.
('73 Code, § 7-23) (Ord. passed 10-5-70)