The Council hereby declares the personnel policy of the town to be that:
   (A)   Employment in the town government shall be based on merit and fitness free of personal and political considerations.
   (B)   Conditions of employment will encourage employees to initiate and continue efficient and economical operation of municipal business.
   (C)   Positions with similar duties and responsibilities shall be classified and compensated on an equitable and uniform basis, at the highest level consistent with the economic capability of the community.
   (D)   All personnel actions shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's qualifications to perform duties and accept responsibilities of the position and meet working standards for town employees.
   (E)   The rights and interests of employees shall be respected, consistent with the interests of the town and citizen public, through a fair administration of the provisions of this chapter.
   (F)   A permanent career service for all persons covered by this chapter shall be governed by consistent standards of professional conduct, necessity for continuance of the position and sufficient funds.
   (G)   High morale shall be promoted by the fair administration of the provisions of this chapter.
   (H)   Every employee has a moral obligation and is expected to comply with the spirit and intent of this merit system.
('73 Code, § 7-2) (Ord. passed 10-29-62; Am. Ord. passed 10-5-70)