(A) Personal property and motor vehicles owned by and registered to and exclusively used by the Rhode Island Arts Foundation at Newport, Inc. d/b/a Newport Music Festival, Inc., located at 850 Aquidneck Avenue, shall be exempt from taxation, provided said property is used for the purposes for which said corporation was incorporated.
(B) Real property owned by the Rhode Island Society Sons of the Revolution, located on Fort Hill Road (108SE/117) shall be exempt from taxation, provided said property is used for the purposes for which said corporation was incorporated.
(C) Real property owned by the Healing Co-op Inc. or leased by said entity in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws, § 44-4-6, located on Mitchell’s Lane, Middletown, shall be exempt from taxation, provided said property is used for the purposes for which said corporation was incorporated.
(Ord. 97-5, passed 8-12-97; Am. Ord. passed 9-02-03; Am. Ord. 2013-3, passed 3-4-13)