(A)   Wherever outdoor lighting is proposed, lighting plans shall be required and approved during the subdivision, land development plan, development plan review, or building/electrical permit application process. Submission requirements shall include:
      (1)   A site plan with structures, parking areas, building entrances, roads and sidewalks, and abutting uses. The plan shall include the location of all proposed lighting fixtures and existing lighting fixtures proposed to remain. The following information should be provided about each fixture: location, mounting height, orientation, aiming direction, fixture type, lamp type, photometry, correlated color temperature (if LED), fixture catalog cuts, glare reduction devices, on/off control devices, pole foundation details (if applicable), and mounting methods;
      (2)   For projects where a landscaping plan is required to be submitted, that plan shall contain lighting fixture locations and shall demonstrate that the site lighting and landscaping have been coordinated to minimize conflict between vegetation and intended light distribution, both initially and at vegetation maturity; and
      (3)   Calculations demonstrating that the proposed lighting plan will not exceed the allowable number of footcandles at any point along the lot lines.
   (B)   When requested by the Planning Board or Building Official, the applicant shall submit a visual-impact plan that demonstrates appropriate steps have been taken to mitigate lighting impacts.
   (C)   The following plan notes shall appear on the lighting plan:
      (1)   "Post-approval alterations, including equipment substitutions, to approved lighting plans shall be submitted to and approved by the town prior to installation."
      (2)   "The town reserves the right to conduct post-installation inspections to verify compliance with requirements and approved lighting plan commitments, and, if necessary, to require remedial action at no expense to the town."
(Ord. 2021-19, passed 11-15-21)