Effective Date: 5/2/2005
1.   Request for changes to names of town streets shall be submitted to the Town Administrator in writing.
2.   Requests will be accepted only from property owners residing on the subject street.
3.   Upon receipt of a proper request, the Administrator shall forward the request to the Town Planner, Public Works Director, Police Chief and Fire Chief for their respective recommendations.
4.   Based on those recommendations, the Administrator may:
      a.   Deny the request - if the request is denied the Administrator shall inform the requesting party that he or she has a right to request said change directly from the Town Council. In order to make a direct request to the Council, the applicant must place the question of renaming the street on a regular Council agenda, which shall not be less than two weeks after the filing of the request, accompanied by a list of all owners of property fronting on said street, a copy of the tax assessor map showing the lots abutting on said street, and arrange, at his or her own expense, to notify every property owner on the street by regular, first class mail, postage prepaid of the date, place and time of the meeting at which the Council will take up the question.
      b.   Approve the request - if the Administrator approves the request, he or she shall so inform the requesting party and direct him or her to submit a petition requesting the name change, signed by the owners of no less than 75% of the lots fronting on said street and a separate list of all owners of property fronting on said street, and a copy of the tax assessors map showing the lots abutting on said street. Upon receipt of such petition, the Administrator shall place said matter on a regular Council agenda for decision and mail notices of such meeting to all property owners on the list submitted.
5.   At such meeting, the Council shall take such action concerning the designation of such street as it deems appropriate.
6.   The following criteria shall govern the street naming system:
      a.   No two roads shall be given the same name;
      b.   No two roads shall be given similar sounding names;
      c.   Each road shall have the same name throughout its entire length;
      d.   Any road that is not continuous shall have separate names for each section.
7.   In the event the Council changes the name of any street, official notice of said name change shall be mailed by the town to all property owners on said street, all town department heads and the U.S. Post Office.
8.   Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent the Town Council from changing the name of the street on its own initiative, upon the request of the public safety official, provided it follows the notice provisions of section 4(a) and the criteria set forth in section 6.