This chapter does not apply to:
   (A)   Laundry dry cleaning bags, door-hanger bags, newspaper bags, or packages of multiple bags intended for use as garbage, pet waste, or yard waste;
   (B)   Bags provided by pharmacists or veterinarians to contain prescription drugs or other medical necessities, provided that the bags are recyclable within the state's recycling program; and
   (C)   Plastic barrier bags, double opening plastic bags and bags used by a consumer inside a business establishment to:
      (1)   Contain bulk items, such as produce, nuts, grains, candy, or small hardware items;
      (2)   Contain or wrap frozen foods, meat, or fish, whether or not prepackaged;
      (3)   Contain or wrap flowers, potted plants or other items to prevent moisture damage to other purchases;
      (4)   Contain unwrapped prepared foods or bakery goods; or
      (5)   Bags used by a non-profit corporation or other hunger relief charity to distribute food, grocery products, clothing, or other household items.
(Ord. 2017-7, passed 5-1-17; Am. Ord. 2017-15, passed 11-20-17)