Staff Use
1.A   Full Scale Site Plan Copies (see section 4 of this document for a list of site plan components). At least 1" = 40' with a sufficient number of sheets (sequentially numbered) to clearly show all of the information required (minimum size of 18" x 24").
1.B   Reduced Size Copies of All Plans.
(minimum size of 8.5" X 11"; maximum size of 11" X 17") Reduced size copies may be submitted after the Technical Review Committee completes its review or one week prior to the Planning Board meeting during which the application will be heard, whichever is sooner.
1.C   Electronic Copies.
Electronic copy of the full plan set and other application materials such as legal documents, abutters list, and permits.
1.D   Abutters List.
200-foot abutters list in the format show in Appendix A, § 8.
1.E   Application Form.
Available in Appendix A, § 6.
1.F   Municipal Lien Certificates.
Municipal Lien Certificate for each lot involved in the proposed development (see Tax Assessor's Office)
Applicable Standard or Forms
Staff Use
2.A   Legal Documents.
Copies of any required legal documents including proposed easements and rights-of way, dedications, restrictions, or other required legal documents, including, but not limited, to conservation easements, homeowners' association documents, and the like.
2.B   External Lighting Plan.
Location of any existing and proposed external lighting with specifications for proposed fixtures.
Subdivision Regulations: § 521, Commercial Development
2.C   Signage.
Location of any existing and/or proposed outdoor signs, and specifications and photographs and/or renderings of all proposed signs.
Zoning Code:
Article 12, Signs
Applicable Standard or Forms
Staff Use
2.D   Development Impact Statement and Review Fee.
Development impact statement and if applicable, fees paid to cover anticipated cost of additional reviews as required by the Planning Board including, but not limited to, fees for the town's consulting engineer and other expert assistance. (Fees not used will be refunded to the applicant at the conclusion of the application review process.)
Zoning Code:
§ 310, Development Impact Review
2.E   Building Elevations.
Elevations showing all sides of new structures, or existing structures where any changes are proposed, with dimensions and a description of the materials to be used in any such structures.
Subdivision Regulations: § 521, Commercial Development
2.F   Good Standing Documentation.
If applicable, documentation indicating that the applicant company exists and is in good standing with the State of Rhode Island.
2.G   Drainage/Stormwater Management and Operations Plan.
Stormwater Management Plan and accompanying calculations.
Chapter 153: Stormwater Management
2.H   Water Availability Letter.
Written confirmation from the Newport Water Division that the proposed development may connect to the public water system, if applicable.
2.I   Landscape Maintenance Plan.
A landscape maintenance plan including a schedule of initial and ongoing activities to be undertaken by the property owner, homeowners' association or other appropriate party if a landscape plan is submitted.
Subdivision Regulations: § 523, Landscape Maintenance
Staff Use
3.A   Freshwater Wetlands (RI Department of Environmental Management - RIDEM).
1)   Written confirmation from the RIDEM that development plans, including any required off-site construction, have been reviewed and indicating that the Wetlands Act either does not apply to the proposed site alteration, or that approval has been granted for the proposed site alteration; or
2)   Affidavit signed by a qualified professional (having minimum qualifications as described by the RIDEM Department of Freshwater Wetlands) stating that there are no freshwater wetlands or wetland buffers (perimeter wetlands) present on the subject property (in accordance with RIDEM Wetland Regulations).
3.B   Coastal Wetlands (Coastal Resources Management Council - CRMC).
Preliminary determination from the CRMC if the property is subject to the jurisdiction of this agency.
3.C   Physical Alteration Permit (RI Department of Transportation - RIDOT).
A Physical Alteration Permit (PAP) issued by the RIDOT for any connection or construction work within a state highway or state right-of-way.
Staff Use
3.D   Wastewater (Middletown DPW or RIDEM).
1)   Written confirmation from the Middletown Department of Public Works certifying that the development can tie into the Middletown sewer service; or
2)   RIDEM Preliminary Subdivision Suitability Report or water table verification within the proposed development area indicating the site is suitable for the safe and proper operation of the OWTS.
3.E   Construction Schedule.
Identifying expected start and finish times for major construction tasks.
In the quantities required per Section 1 - Application Materials,
site plans must be submitted with the following items:
Applicable Standard or Forms
Staff Use
4.A   Class 1 Comprehensive Boundary Survey.
All plans shall conform to the Procedural and Technical Standards for the Practice of Land Surveying in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, as prepared by the RI Society of Professional Land Surveyors, Inc., as amended.
4.B   Name and Address of Property Owner and Applicant.
4.C   Graphic Scale, North Arrow, and Legend Showing All Symbols.
4.D   Name, Address, and Phone Number of the Preparer with Stamp of Registration and Signature Block.
4.E   Date of Plan and Revisions.
4.F   Assessors' Plat and Lot Numbers and Zoning District.
Includes all properties adjacent and directly across the street from the subject property.
4.G   Vicinity or Locus Map.
4.H   Existing Structures.
Location, size and proposed use of existing buildings and structures on the property, including historic designation, if any.
4.I   Proposed Structures.
Location and size of proposed buildings and structures, including the designation and area in square feet of each proposed use within the structure and total number of proposed seats indoor/outdoor.
Zoning Code:
Article 6, Application of District Regulations
4.J   Parking and Amenities.
Location, dimension and number of existing and proposed parking spaces; handicapped parking spaces; vehicular drives and curb cuts; loading areas and total square footage of parking area (stalls and aisles); and bicycle racks (1 for each 5 automobile parking spaces) must be shown. Any proposed amenities such as bus shelters, playgrounds, and benches must be identified.
Subdivision Regulations:
§ 521, Commercial Development; and
Zoning Code:
Article 13: Off-Street Parking and Loading
4. SITE PLANS (Cont'd)
In the quantities required per Section 1 - Application Materials,
site plans must be submitted with the following items:
Applicable Standard or Forms
Staff Use
4.K   Circulation.
Location of any existing and proposed sidewalks and pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular connections to adjacent parcels.
Subdivision Regulations: § 521, Commercial Development; and
Article 6: Specifications for Required Improvements; and
Article 5: Required Minimum Standards of Design Commercial Development
4.L   Improvements.
Cross-section and profiles of any proposed impervious surface construction, if intended as a public improvement.
Subdivision Regulations:
Appendix B, Drawings
4.M   Solid Waste.
Location of existing and proposed solid waste facilities, including dumpsters, and location of all screening. Trash receptacle for users of the site must be provided. A litter management control plan must be included on the site plan or as a separate document.
Subdivision Regulations: § 521, Commercial Development
4.N   Legal/Permits.
Notation of any special conditions of approval imposed by the Zoning or Planning Board, and any permits and agreements with state or federal agencies.
4.O   Property Lines and Easements.
Location and dimensions of existing property lines, easements, reservations, and rights-of-way within or abutting the subject property.
4.P   Proposed Property Lines Easements.
Location and notation of type of proposed easement(s) or existing easement(s) to remain, with accurate dimensions and areas indicated.
4.Q   Streets.
Location, width and names of existing streets abutting the subject property.
4.R   Utilities Plan.
Location of all existing and proposed utilities (electric, water, sewer, gas); including, but not limited to, abandoned wells and onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWTS) with a notation as such. Plan shall show location and descriptive notations necessary to locate all utility lines and easements, facilities appurtenant thereto.
Subdivision Regulations: § 521, Commercial Development; and
Article 6: Specifications for Required Improvements; and
Article 5: Required Minimum Standards of Design Commercial Development
4. SITE PLANS (Cont'd)
In the quantities required per Section 1 - Application Materials,
site plans must be submitted with the following items:
Applicable Standard or Forms
Staff Use
4.S   Zoning.
Setbacks and lot coverage computations in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance.
Zoning Code:
Article 6: Application of District Regulations
4.T   Topography.
Existing contours with intervals of two feet and finished grade shown as solid lines (notation if no changes to contours are proposed, or where changes are proposed).
4.U   Wetlands.
Location of any wetlands, watercourses or their buffers (perimeter wetlands), as determined by a RIDEM qualified biologist (in accordance with RIDEM regulations).
4.V    Flood Zone.
Notation as to the flood zone of the subject property including the base flood elevation (BFE) and flood zone as indicated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FEMA FIRM). The Coastal Resources Management Agency's Suggested Design Elevations with Three Feet of Sea Level Rise (CRMC SDE 3 SLR) must also be provided, if applicable.
Zoning Code:
Article 10: Flood Hazard Areas; and
Article 4: Definitions, Building Height; and
Subdivision Regulations: § 517, Flood Prone Areas
4.W   Trees.
Location of wooded areas with a notation of existing trees with a 12 inch or larger caliper, if any.
Subdivision Regulations: § 518, Retention of Environmental Features
4.X   Significant Features.
Location of significant existing natural and man-made environmental features including rock outcrops and stone walls.
Chapter 97: Stone Walls; and
Subdivision Regulations:
§ 518, Retention of Environmental Features
4.Y   Historic Cemeteries.
Location of historic cemeteries on, or immediately adjacent to, the subject property.
Article 20: Cemeteries
4.Z   Land for Dedication.
The location, dimension and area of any land proposed to be set aside as open space, or drainage, or conveyed to the town for public purposes if applicable.
4. SITE PLANS (Cont'd)
In the quantities required per Section 1 - Application Materials,
site plans must be submitted with the following items:
Applicable Standard or Forms
Staff Use
4.AA Permits.
Notation of any permits and agreements with state and federal reviewing agencies.
4.BB   Landscape Plan (with Stamp of a Registered Rhode Island Landscape Architect).
Showing location and description of all proposed plantings and including calculations regarding the necessary percent of landscaped area relative to site development and size, caliper, and species of proposed street trees and parking lot trees if applicable.
Subdivision Regulations:
§ 622, Street Trees; and
§ 521, Commercial Development
4.CC Soil Erosion and Sediment Control/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.
Chapter 151: Construction Site Runoff Control