The following categories of projects shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter:
1. Developments specified in Section 306 of the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 152, or where otherwise called for in the Zoning Ordinance.
2. A change in use at the property where no extensive construction of improvements is sought.
3. An adaptive reuse project located in a commercial zone where no extensive exterior construction of improvements is sought.
4. An adaptive reuse project located in a residential zone which results in less than nine (9) residential units.
5. Development in a designated urban or growth center.
6. Institutional development design review for educational or hospital facilities.
a. Permitting authority. The Administrative Officer shall approve administrative projects submitted, and the Planning Board shall approve formal projects as described herein.
b. Development plan review consists of two review processes, administrative and formal.
1. Administrative development plan review consists of one stage of review and the authorized permitting authority is the Administrative Officer. The following activities are subject to administrative development plan review:
i. Developments specified in Section 306(A)(4) of the Zoning Ordinance.
ii. A change in use at the property where no extensive construction of improvements is sought.
2. Formal development plan review consists of the preliminary stage and final stage of review. The authorized permitting authority is the Planning Board. The following activities are subject to formal development plan review:
i. All items under Zoning Ordinance Section 306(A) not identified for administrative review.
ii. An adaptive reuse project located in a commercial zone where no extensive exterior construction of improvements is sought.
iii. An adaptive reuse project located in a residential zone which results in less than nine (9) residential units.
iv. Development in a designated urban or growth center.
v. Institutional development design review for educational or hospital facilities.
3. The Administrative Officer may combine the stages of review for formal development plan review, providing that the submission requirements of both stages of review are met by the applicant to the satisfaction of the Administrative Officer.