Section 613 - Sanitary Sewers
   A.   Sanitary sewers shall be installed by permission of the Middletown Town Council in accordance with the procedures set forth in An Ordinance Regulating the Use of Public Sewers, August 18, 1982, and subsequent amendments thereto.
   B.   The use and installation of all sewer (lateral mains) drains and connections to existing sewer lines also shall be in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for the Use and Installation of Sewers, August 18, 1982, and subsequent amendments thereto. Sewer mains constructed of PVC pipe located in Town roads shall have a minimum of three (3) feet of ground cover over the pipe. In areas where three (3) feet of cover is not available, ductile iron pipe shall be used. This requirement is imposed to ensure that the sewer line will not be damage by heavy equipment.