Section 501 - Street Arrangement
   A.   Unless deemed inappropriate by the Planning Board, streets shall be arranged so as to provide for the continuation of existing or platted streets in abutting properties, whether such streets are public or private. Especially in retail and commercial developments, streets and driveways shall be designed to minimize the number of curb cuts and to allow the free flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the development or developments, without having to enter and exit arterial connectors.
   B.   Where a plat submitted covers only a part of the applicant's land, the street arrangement shall be such that it can be coordinated with the remainder of said land. If abutting property is not subdivided or developed, streets within the plat being subdivided or developed shall project to the property line of abutting land.
   C.   If it is physically impossible to extend streets to adjacent property or existing streets, new proposed streets shall provide continuous flow of traffic being connected together to eliminate dead ends.
   D.   Whenever possible, all developments shall be provided with at least two (2) means of access.