A.   Application: Any person seeking an amendment of the text or map of the comprehensive plan, or the zoning and subdivision ordinance, shall submit an application, designating the change desired, and the reasons therefor.
   B.   Notice And Hearing: The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the application at a public hearing and make a recommendation to City Council. The City Council shall consider the application and the commission's recommendation at a public hearing and make a final decision.
   C.   Action By Commission:
      1.   Before the commission recommends an amendment to an ordinance, the applicant must show that the proposed amendment is in harmony with the comprehensive plan.
      2.   The commission shall make its recommendation within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of the commission's public hearing.
   D.   Action By Council: The Council, following receipt of the commission's recommendation, shall consider the application and the commission's recommendation and make a final decision. The Council may approve, approve with modifications or deny the application. If the Council makes a material change in the application, another noticed hearing shall be held before the City Council makes a final decision on the application. The Council shall make a decision within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of the Council's public hearing.
   E.   Amending Ordinance: The Council, upon approval of a proposed amendment, shall adopt an ordinance amending the title, plan or map. No plan or amendment shall be effective unless adopted by ordinance by the Council. (Ord. 609, 7-3-2018)