No person shall drive a vehicle on a highway or street at a speed greater than that which is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and with regard to actual potential hazards then existing. The limits specified in this section, or established as posted, shall be maximum lawful speeds, and no person shall drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of such limits. A violation of this section shall be an infraction.
   Specific Speed Limits:
   A.   Parks, alleys, and unimproved roads. In any public park, or in any alley, fifteen (15) miles per hour. The term “alley” shall mean a minor public way providing secondary access at the back or side of a property for vehicle or pedestrian traffic.
   B.   Subdivision street. Local streets within subdivisions shall have a speed limit of twenty (20) miles per hour.
   C.   City streets. On all other streets in Middleton, twenty-five (25) miles per hour, unless otherwise posted.
   D.   School zones. Twenty (20) miles per hour when any of the following exist:
      1.   A school speed limit sign with flashing lights attached and the words “when flashing” posted and the lights are activated; or
      2.   A school speed limit sign with “when children are present” included thereon, and there is a child or children present; or
      3.   A school zone speed limit sign with designated time frames included thereon.
   Any person that violates this subsection D shall be guilty of an infraction and shall be assessed a fixed penalty of $100.00 excluding court costs and fees.
(Ord. 662, 4-20-2022)