5-4-13-1: HILLSIDES:
   A.   Appearance And Preservation: In order to preserve, enhance and promote the existing and future appearance and resources of hillsides, maximum retention of natural topographic features and qualities of the following shall be considered in subdivision review processes:
      1.   Skyline and ridge tops.
      2.   Rolling grassy landforms, including knolls, ridges and meadows.
      3.   Tree and shrub masses, grass, wildflowers and topsoil.
      4.   Rock outcroppings.
      5.   Streambeds, draws and drainage swales, especially where tree and plant formations occur.
      6.   Characteristic vistas and scenic panoramas.
   B.   Hillside Development Evaluation:
      1.   All hillside development proposals shall take into account current application of desirable land use planning, soil mechanics, engineering geology, hydrology, civil engineering, environmental and civic design, architecture and landscape architecture. Such current application includes, but is not limited to:
         a.   Planning of development to fit the topography, soils, geology, hydrology and other conditions existing on the proposed site.
         b.   Orienting development to the site so that grading and other site preparation is kept to a minimum.
         c.   Shaping of essential grading to complement the natural landforms and to minimize padding and terracing of building sites.
         d.   Division of large lots into smaller workable units on which construction can be completed within one construction season so that large acreages are not left bare and exposed during the winter/spring runoff period.
         e.   Completion of paving as rapidly as possible after grading.
         f.   Allocation of areas not well suited for development because of soil, geology or hydrology limitations for open space and recreation uses.
         g.   Minimizing disruption of existing plant and animal life.
         h.   Consideration of the view from and of the hills.
      2.   Areas having soil, geology or hydrology hazards shall not be developed unless it is shown that their limitations can be overcome; that hazard to life or property will not exist; that the safety, use or stability of a public way or drainage channel is not jeopardized; and that the natural environment is not subjected to undue impact.
   C.   Required Data: The developer shall retain professional expertise to obtain the following information when requested by the commission, and all of the following reports shall identify the specified area of building location:
      1.   Soil Reports: For any proposed hillside development a soil report shall be submitted with the preliminary plat. The report shall include data regarding the nature, distribution and strength of existing soil, conclusions and recommendations for grading procedures, design criteria for corrective measures and opinions and recommendations covering the adequacy of sites to be developed.
      2.   Geology Report: For any proposed hillside development, a geology report shall be submitted with the preliminary plat. This report shall include an adequate description of site geology and an evaluation of the relationship between the proposed development and the underlying geology and recommendations for remedial actions.
      3.   Hydrology Report:
         a.   For any proposed hillside development, a hydrology report shall be submitted with the preliminary plat. This report shall include an adequate description of the hydrology, conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of hydrologic conditions on the proposed development, and opinions and recommendations covering the adequacy of sites to be developed.
         b.   Flood frequency information shall be provided for the area proposed for development.
   D.   Grading Plan:
      1.   A preliminary grading plan shall be submitted with each hillside preliminary plat proposal and shall include the following information:
         a.   Approximate limiting dimensions, elevations or finish contours to be achieved by the grading, including all cut and fill slopes, proposed drainage channels and related construction.
         b.   Preliminary plans and approximate locations of all surface and subsurface drainage devices, walls, dams, sediment basins, storage reservoirs and other protective devices to be constructed.
         c.   A description of methods to be employed in disposing of soil and other material that are removed from the grading site, including the location of the disposal site.
      2.   A final grading plat shall be submitted with each final plat and shall include the following information:
         a.   Limiting dimensions, elevations or finish contours to be achieved by the grading, including all proposed cut and fill slopes and proposed drainage channels and related construction.
         b.   Detailed plans and locations of all surface and subsurface drainage devices, walls, dams, sediment basins, storage reservoirs and other protective devices to be constructed.
         c.   A schedule showing when each stage of the project will be completed, including the total area of soil surface which is to be disturbed during each stage together with estimated starting and completion dates. In no event shall the existing ("natural") vegetative ground cover be destroyed, removed or disturbed more than fifteen (15) days prior to grading.
   E.   Development Standards:
      1.   Roadways:
         a.   Road alignments should follow natural terrain and no unnecessary cuts or fills shall be allowed.
         b.   One-way roads shall be permitted and encouraged where appropriate for the terrain and when public safety would not be jeopardized.
         c.   The width of the graded section shall extend three feet (3') beyond the curb back or edge of pavement on both the cut and fill sides of the roadway. If sidewalk is to be installed parallel to the roadway, the graded section shall be increased by the width of the sidewalk plus one foot (1').
         d.   Standard concrete curb and gutter may be installed along both sides of paved roadways.
      2.   Driveways And Parking: Combinations of collective private driveways, cluster parking areas and on street parallel parking ways shall be used to attempt to optimize the objectives of minimum soil disturbance, minimum impervious cover, excellence of design and aesthetic sensitivity.
   F.   Vegetation And Revegetation:
      1.   The subdivider shall submit a slope stabilization and revegetation plan which shall include a complete description of the existing vegetation, the vegetation to be removed and the method of disposal, the vegetation to be planted and slope stabilization measures to be installed. The plan shall include an analysis of the environmental effects of such operations, including the effects it may have on slope stability, soil erosion, water quality and fish and wildlife.
      2.   Vegetation sufficient to stabilize the soil shall be established on all disturbed areas as each stage of grading is completed. Areas not contained with lot boundaries shall be protected with perennial vegetal cover after all construction is completed. Efforts shall be made to plant those species that tend to recover from fire damage and do not contribute to a rapid rate of fire spread.
      3.   The subdivider shall be fully responsible for any destruction of native vegetation proposed and approved for retention. He shall carry the responsibility both for his own employees and for all subcontractors from the first day of construction until the notice of completion is filed. The subdivider shall be responsible for replacing such destroyed vegetation in kind or its equivalent.
   G.   Maintenance: The owner of any private property on which grading or other work has been performed pursuant to a grading plan approved or a building permit granted under the provisions of this title shall continuously maintain and repair all graded surfaces and erosion prevention devices, retaining walls, drainage structures or means, and other protective devices, plantings and ground cover installed or completed.
   H.   Utilities: All new service utilities shall be placed underground. (Ord. 568, 12-21-2015; amd. Ord. 609, 7-3-2018)