A.   Pathways:
      1.   Pathways are required as indicated on the Middleton Comprehensive Plan Transportation, Schools and Recreation Map. Pathways that are not along a road shall be on a twelve foot (12') wide public access easement or dedicated to the City and shall be constructed of asphalt, eight feet (8') wide. Developer, its assigns and/or Homeowners Association shall be responsible for installing, repairing and maintaining the pathways.
      2.   In addition to the pathways identified on the Middleton Comprehensive Plan Transportation, Schools and Recreation Map, City may require developers to construct sidewalks and pathways designed to connect neighborhoods with schools, parks and downtown, and such pathways shall be on a public access easement twelve feet (12') wide or dedicated to the City. Developer, its assigns and/or Homeowners Association shall be responsible for repairing and maintaining the pathways.
   B.   Parks: Parks locations are required as indicated on the Middleton Comprehensive Plan Transportation, Schools and Recreation Map. Such parks shall be dedicated to the City for future maintenance.
(Ord. 588, 3-1-2017; amd. Ord. 609, 7-3-2018; Ord. 620, - -2019; Ord. 659, 1-19-2022)