5-4-7: FINAL PLAT:
   A.   Application:
      1.   An applicant shall file with the City: a copy of the complete final plat application, fees, and one (1) electronic full-size PDF copy, and three full-sized copies of the final plat with data as required in this section. After all City comments are addressed by the applicant, and prior to any Council consideration of the plat, the applicant shall submit one (1) electronic full-size PDF copy and three full-sized copies to the City.
      2.   As conditions precedent to accepting a final plat application, the subdivider shall: 1) construct City required improvements according to the "Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction" and the Middleton Supplement to the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction in effect at the time the application to construct infrastructure is accepted by the City, and 2) the City accepts the completion packet described in the Middleton Supplement. A final walk through to verify infrastructure improvements were constructed to standards may be scheduled after the City accepts the completion packet, but not before.
   3.   The City Council may accept an irrevocable letter of credit, cashier’s check or other bond guarantee in the amount of two hundred percent (200%) of the estimated costs to ensure completion of only landscaping, irrigation system, and fencing improvements in the event that inclement weather precludes the successful installation of said improvements. A bonded improvement must be completed within twelve (12) months of the approval of the final plat, and the bond will not be released until the improvement is completed and approved by the City. Failure to complete the improvement within said time frame shall give the City the authority, at its sole discretion, to exercise the bond and complete the improvement with funds derived therefrom. The City Council may grant an extension to a developer to accommodate unavoidable delays impacting the developer, but only if the developer requests such an extension at least sixty (60) days prior to the date on which the improvement is required to be completed.
   B.   Method And Medium Of Presentation:
      1.   All plats to be offered for Council consideration, and recording, shall be prepared according to Idaho Code title 50, chapter 13, and this Code.
      2.   Copies of the record plat shall be reproduced in the form of black line prints on a white background.
      3.   The plat shall be drawn to an accurate scale having not more than one hundred feet to an inch (1" = 100') unless otherwise approved as to scale.
   C.   Content Of Final Plat:
      1.   A title which includes the name of the subdivision and its location by number of section, township, range and county.
      2.   Name, address and official seal of the registered professional land surveyor preparing the plat.
      3.   Scale, north arrow and date of the plat preparation.
   D.   Survey Data Required:
      1.   Boundaries of the lot to be subdivided fully balanced and closed, showing all bearings and distances, determined by an accurate survey in the field. All dimensions shall be expressed in feet and decimals thereof.
      2.   Any excepted parcel(s) within the plat boundaries shall show all bearings and distances, determined by an accurate survey in the field. All dimensions shall be expressed in feet and decimals. Out parcels are not allowed.
      3.   Show basis of bearing on the plat with a minimum of two (2) government corners with all corner perpetuation and filing information.
   E.   Descriptive Data Required:
      1.   Name, rights-of-way lines, courses, lengths and widths of all public roads, and bicycle/pedestrian pathways, and utility and utility access easements; all linear curves for road centerlines and property lines shall include the following information:
         a.   Radii.
         b.   Central angle.
         c.   Arc length.
         d.   Long chord, length and bearing.
         e.   Spiral curves should have essentially the same information except for radii and tangent length.
      2.   All easements of record shall be shown and reference the instrument number.
      3.   Each lot and block shall be numbered consecutively and individually throughout the plat, and include the size of the lot by square feet shown on the face of the plat, not in a table.
      4.   Location, dimensions, bearings, radii, arcs and central angles of all sites to be dedicated to the public will be clearly indicated and the intended use specified.
      5.   A note indicating that no structures shall be constructed or installed in an easement and that any fences, landscaping or any other structures constructed or installed in an easement may be removed by the City and utility companies, and replaced at the landowner's expense.
   F.   Dedication And Acknowledgment:
      1.   Dedication: Statement of dedication of all roads, alleys, drainageways, bicycle/pedestrian pathways, and easements for public use by the person holding title of record, and a statement that affirms that all lands and other easements to be dedicated are free and clear of all encumbrances.
      2.   Acknowledgment Of Dedication: Execution of dedication acknowledged and certified by a notary public.
   G.   Required Certifications:
      1.   Certification by the registered professional land surveyor stating on the plat that the plat is correct and accurate, and that the monuments described in it have been located as described.
      2.   Certification by the City Engineer.
      3.   Certification by the City.
      4.   Certification by the County surveyor.
      5.   Certification by the County Treasurer.
   H.   Council Action: Upon acceptance of a complete final plat application, the Council shall consider the plat and determine if it meets the requirements of this title, Idaho Code, and substantially conforms to the approved preliminary plat. If so, the Council shall approve said plat.
   I.   Recording Of Final Plat: The subdivider shall record the City approved final plat. At the time of recording of the final plat, the City is deemed to have accepted the dedications shown. After recording, the subdivider shall deliver to the City one (1) electronic PDF copy and two full sized and two eleven by seventeen (11” x 17”), showing recording information.
(Ord. 568, 12-21-2015; amd. Ord. 600, 12-20-2017; Ord. 609, 7-3-2018; Ord. 620, - -2019; Ord. 624, 9 - -2019; Ord. 633, 9-16-2020; Ord. 673, 1-4-2023)