The connection of roof downspout and gutter drains, either directly or indirectly into the sanitary sewerage system shall not be permitted under any circumstances.  Any such connections found shall be immediately disconnected and their use immediately discontinued.
   The connection of foundation drains in any way or manner, direct or indirect, into the sanitary sewerage system shall not be permitted under any circumstances.  All such drains found to be connected shall be immediately disconnected and such use discontinued.
   Where a pipe or closed conduit is installed around the foundation of a building or structure for the purpose of draining ground water away from the foundation a sump pump shall be used to dispose of such ground water by pumping it into a downspout drain to the curb, a storm sewer or other adequate outlet exterior to the house other than any appurtenance of the sanitary sewerage system.
   No person shall connect or cause to be connected to the sanitary sewerage system of this Village or any part thereof, any conduit which conveys directly or indirectly surface or roof water from any building, structure, yard or paved surface.
(Ord. 1000-73.  Passed 10-22-73.)