The Mayor, through the Chief of Police, is hereby authorized to enter into agreements with individual businessmen to provide police protection services as the businessmen request, under the following terms and conditions:
   (a)   The services will be provided regularly during routine shifts, however, in case existing conditions prevent the performance of both Police Department duties and the merchant police duties, the Police Department will be given priority,
   (b)   The agreement will be on a monthly basis, and can be terminated on the first day of any month by either party.
   (c)   The fees charged for such services shall be determined at the time the agreement is made, and shall be based on the duties required by the individual businessman.
   (d)   Such fees shall be collected each month by the Mayor, through his staff, and shall be deposited in the General Fund.
   (e)   The Mayor will be responsible for the preparation of a monthly report to indicate the revenue from such fees.  This record will include the fee charged each individual businessman and will be presented to Council for approval at their first regular meeting.  (Ord. 881.  Passed 5-26-65.)