(a)   In the event an application for a license is not approved, or in the event any license issued pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter is revoked, written notice shall be given to the applicant or licensee by personal service or by certified mail.
   (b)   The applicant or licensee shall have ten (10) days after the receipt of such notice to appeal such refusal or revocation. Such appeal shall be perfected by filing a notice of the appeal with the Mayor; thereupon, the applicant shall have not less than ten (10) days' notice of the date and place of the hearing.
   (c)   The Mayor shall have the power, after such hearing, to either affirm or overrule the decision of the Chief of Police. The Mayor shall cause notice of the decision to be transmitted to the applicant or licensee by certified mail within thirty (30) days of the date of hearing. Failure of the applicant or licensee to receive the certified mail shall not affect the validity of the decision.
   (d)   Thereafter, any further appeal may be made to the Common Pleas Court of Geauga County pursuant to Chapter 2506 of the Revised Code.
(Ord. 20-105. Passed 5-14-20.)