The Utility Impact Fee Rebate Program (“Rebate Program”) is hereby adopted pursuant to the following terms and conditions:
   (a)   The Rebate Program shall apply to separately to new single family homes for which construction commenced on or after July 1, 2016 in the Woodsong Subdivision and the Glen Valley Farms Subdivisions.
   (b)   For purposes of the Rebate Program “New Home Construction” shall be deemed to commence when the building permit for the new home is received.
   (c)   To be eligible for the Rebate provided herein, the building must complete construction and to have that construction successfully inspected and approved by the Geauga County Building Department within six months after the issuance of the building permit, unless, for good cause shown by the builder or developer, in writing, the Village Administrator, in writing, extends said period for an amount not to exceed an additional six months.
   (d)   In the Woodsong subdivision, if at least five new homes are constructed, and said construction results in the issuance of at least five occupancy permits in any twelve- month period, then the Village will rebate to the remitter $2,144.00 of each of the impact fees paid for those homes, reducing the new impact fee paid for each home to $3,000.
   (e)   In the Glen Valley Farms Subdivision, if at least five new are constructed, and said construction results in the issuance of at least five occupancy permits in any twelve- month period, then the Village will rebate to the remitter $2,144.00 of each of the impact fees paid for those homes, reducing the net impact fee paid for each home to $3,000.
   (f)   For purposes of the Rebate Program, new homes constructed in the Woodsong Subdivision shall not be counted for the minimum necessary for the Glen Valley Farms Subdivision, and new homes constructed in the Glen Valley Farms Subdivision shall not be counted for the minimum necessary for the Woodsong Subdivision.
   (g)   If less than five new homes are constructed in either subdivision in a twelve-month period, no rebates will be issued for that subdivision for that period.
   (h)   The Council reserves the right to repeal this Rebate Program by repealing this Ordinance, with any such repeal taking effect twelve-months following the effective date of that legislation. (Ord. 17-129. Passed 10-12-17.)