(a)    Any elected or appointed Village officer or employee may attend, at the expense of the Village, any conference or convention relating to municipal affairs or schools of instruction, institutes, or matters related to the art and science of their particular employment with the Village, if authorized by the Mayor, and if the Fiscal Officer certifies that funds are appropriated and available for such purpose, such officer or employee shall be reimbursed for his expenses so incurred.
   A request for such allowance shall be made in advance and in writing to the Mayor, showing the necessity for such attendance and an estimate of the cost thereof to the Village.
(Ord. 82-l10. Passed 4-5-82.)
   (b)     The standard mileage rate, as established annually by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, is hereby established as the amount to be reimbursed to municipal officers or employees traveling in their own automobiles in the conduct of Village business. No such reimbursement shall be authorized unless and until any and all trips to be taken pursuant to this section are approved, and shall be deemed to cover any expenses incurred, including breakdown or repair to automobiles damaged or breaking down while in the course of Village business.
(Ord. 13-121. Passed 6-6-13.)   
   (c)    No officer or employee of the Village shall receive any expense reimbursements in any one month in excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for matters covered under subsections (a) and (b) hereof unless and until such additional reimbursement in excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00) is specifically approved by the Village Administrator.
(Ord. 07-129. Passed 9-6-07.)