The Village Administrator, to the extent not inconsistent with Ohio R.C. 735.273 or other general laws, shall have those powers, duties and functions as provided by the general laws of the State, to wit, Ohio R.C. 731.141, 731.16, 735.273 and 743.05 to 743.07, inclusive, 743.10, 743.11, 743.18 and 743.24 and any other applicable Revised Code section, as well as other specific duties and responsibilities as may be provided for by ordinance, which will be carried out under the general supervision of the Mayor, including but not limited to, those duties specifically provided for hereinafter:
(a) To authorize and be centrally responsible for all purchase orders and contracts of the Village in the manner provided by Ohio R.C. 731.141, or any other Revised Code section applicable, but not limited to the Code, for services, supplies, materials or equipment, or for contractual services, including printing and publication, and all work, or other public improvement contracts involving the expenditure of not more than that amount authorized under Ohio Revised Code Section 9.17, which shall be the amount of seventy five thousand dollars ($75,000) during calendar year, 2024, and for each calendar year thereafter, the amount of the previous calendar year increased by three percent as determined and published by the director of commerce for the State of Ohio: provided, however, no such purchase order or contract shall be authorized without prior unexpended and unencumbered appropriation in sufficient amount for such purposes as certified by Village Fiscal Officer, and for contracts over that amount authorized under Ohio Revised Code Section 9.17, which shall be the amount of seventy five thousand dollars ($75,000) during calendar year, 2024, and for each calendar year thereafter, the amount of the previous calendar year increased by three percent as determined and published by the director of commerce for the State of Ohio, to do all things necessary to carry out the public bidding functions, if required.
(b) To enter into written contracts in excess of that amount authorized under Ohio Revised Code Section 9.17, which shall be the amount of seventy five thousand dollars ($75,000) during calendar year, 2024, and for each calendar year thereafter, the amount of the previous calendar year increased by three percent as determined and published by the director of commerce for the State of Ohio, with the lowest and best bidder, as determined and authorized by Village Council pursuant to Ohio R.C. 731.141, and to authorize and be responsible for all Change Orders to said lawful contracts, in the manner provided by Ohio R.C. 731.16 and Section 151.03 of the Codified Ordinances.
(c) When directed to do so by Council, to coordinate Council functions with those of other Village agencies, such as Council Committee meetings, Planning and Zoning, and other meetings as directed by Council, or with outside public agencies such as fire protection and sanitary districts, public schools, park districts, other municipalities, the county and the State, thus keeping Council informed of the major activities, internal problems and/or problem areas.
(d) To provide staff services to all departments of the Village government, in such areas as those services are from time to time needed, including, but not limited to the following: position classification; pay plans development and administration; positive recruitment and selection; performance evaluation; including recommendations for merit increases for individual employees; employee training and utilization; employee relations; labor negotiations; personnel actions and other facets of public personnel administration; accounting; purchasing; space and other facilities and public relations.
(e) To assist and coordinate with the department heads, preparation of both long and short term programs for all departments and agencies, and the budget estimates to support them; to evaluate the resulting programs for all departments and agencies, and the budget estimates to support them; to evaluate the resulting programs and budget estimates, and to make recommendations for cuts and/or other adjustments for the consideration of the Mayor and Council.
(f) Under the supervision and in cooperation with the Mayor to prepare and submit to Council, within thirty days after the end of each fiscal year, a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the Village for the preceding year.
(g) To observe, review and evaluate the work of department heads (except the Chief of Police) and to recommend to the Mayor and Council the hiring or appointment or the termination, suspension or removal of all Village employees and officers (except professional consultants, such as the Village Engineer, Auditor, Attorney, Architect and Police Chief), unless such hiring, appointing, termination, suspension, or removal is otherwise expressly provided for by applicable statute.
(h) Except as otherwise required by law, to be responsible for the handling of complaints, suggestions, requests, applications (except those for business licenses, building permits or zoning permits and relief from the requirements of the Village zoning ordinances) and whenever possible, to take action immediately to adjust such matters in accordance with law.
(i) To be responsible for and oversee the maintenance of, and upkeep of the Village Hall and all Village owned real estate and personal property.
(j) To prepare and/or direct the preparation of monthly program and accounting reports to keep department heads, the Mayor and Council informed of the degree to which Council policies and the budget to support them are being administered.
(k) To prepare preliminary agenda for the Village Council meetings, with the understanding that the Mayor or any Council member may add items after the agenda is prepared; and, to keep the Mayor and Council members informed concerning the background and possible problems pertaining to major items scheduled for Council consideration.
(l) As directed by the Mayor or Council, to conduct research and prepare reports concerning functions and activities for which the Mayor or Council are responsible.
(m) To coordinate and direct the preparation of the departmental, administrative, and clerical procedural manuals and forms, to keep them up-to-date, and to see that they are promptly distributed to Village officials and employees.
(n) To attend all meetings of Council (except executive sessions thereof, unless invited to attend) with the right to take part in the discussions, but with no right to vote.
(o) To recommend to the Mayor or Council for adoption such policies or measures as the Village Administrator may deem necessary or expedient.
(p) Under the direction of the Mayor, to perform a wide variety of public relations tasks including, but not limited to, public or quasi-public functions; making speeches, and contacting the news media.
(q) The power to terminate utility service:
(1) The Village Administrator is authorized to terminate water and sewer service to those property owners and/or tenants of property owners who are delinquent in their water, sewer and/or debt service accounts.
(2) The Village Administrator shall promulgate rules and regulations governing termination procedures. The rules and regulations shall be posted with this section and otherwise be made available to the public at large. The rules and regulations shall provide that the Village Administrator give at least ten days advance written notice to the delinquent account holder of the Administrator's intent to terminate service, and such rules are consistent with the Ohio Revised Code and approved by Counci1.
(r) The Village Administrator shall be an ex-officio member of the Treasury Investment Board, and shall assist in conducting at least one meeting per calendar quarter for review and status of accounts.
(s) The Village Administrator shall also supervise and provide direction to the Recreation Director regarding all activities relating to recreation in the Village and all financial matters related thereto.
(t) To the extent not inconsistent herewith, the Village Administrator shall perform other duties as are assigned to him from time to time by the Mayor and Counci1.
(u) The Village Administrator shall comply fully with all "ethics" and "conflict of interest" provisions as set forth from time to time in the Ohio Revised Code. (Ord. 24-137. Passed 7-11-24.)