In the R-3 Multi-Family Residential District and the R-PUD Planned Unit Residential Development District, buildings may be arranged in groups and connected at corners to form open yards and courts. The minimum front yard shall be in accordance with the set back established in this Zoning Code; where, due to the configuration of the buildings, it is unclear which "yard" should be deemed to be the "front yard" for purposes of determining set back, said determination shall be made by the Planning Commission as part of the site plan review process.
   (a)   Minimum Distances Established. The yards between buildings shall be not less than the distances set forth in the following schedule:
Between a main wall facing another main wall if overlap is less than 40 feet
45 feet plus 5 feet for each story of highest building
Between a main wall facing another main wall if overlap is 40 feet or greater
55 feet plus 5 feet for each story of highest building
Between a main wall facing a secondary wall if overlap is less than 40 feet
35 feet plus 5 feet for each story of highest building.
Between a main wall facing a secondary wall if overlap is 40 feet or greater
45 feet plus 5 feet for each story of highest building.
Between a secondary wall facing another secondary wall if overlap is less than 40 feet, or between corners of buildings
20 feet plus 5 feet for each story of highest building
Between a secondary wall facing another secondary wall if overlap is 40 feet or greater
30 feet plus 5 feet for each story of highest building.
       (Ord. 94-128. Passed 8-8-94.)
    (b)    Maximum Building Length.
      (1)    The maximum building length shall be 150 feet. However, a building may exceed this maximum length if it is offset a minimum of 10 feet. In no case shall the length of a building exceed 250 feet without changing direction.
      (2)    The Planning Commission may, in its discretion, permit a developer to exceed the maximum lengths established in this section, if the Planning Commission, in its discretion, determines that the excessive-length building requested will be more aesthetically pleasing than buildings constructed in conformance with this section, and if extending the building length will not increase the overall density of the development project.
         (Ord. 94-136. Passed 11-7-94.)
   (c)    Nothing in this section shall be construed as altering or limiting the minimum requirements and obligations set forth in the Ohio Basic Building Code or in Ohio R.C. Chapter 5311.01.
(Ord. 94-128. Passed 8-8-94.)