The purpose of the specifications in this section is to establish a standard for the construction, inspection, maintenance and repair of sanitary sewers on lands within the Municipality.
   (a)    Permit to Construct. An application for permission to construct sanitary sewers shall be made to the Municipality pursuant to Section 903.03 . The application shall be accompanied by two complete sets of detail construction plans and specifications, one set bearing the approval of the State of Ohio Department of Health.
      The plans shall be drawn on G. P. R. & R. E. Standard (aka Federal Aid) cross section (plate 4) sheets.
   (b)    Easements. The owner of the lands proposed for development shall give to the Municipality, easements to maintain and repair any and all sanitary sewers being proposed.
      The easements shall be of such length and width as required by the Municipality, but under no conditions shall the easements be less than twenty feet in width by rectangular measurement.
   (c)    "As Built" Drawings. Upon completion of all construction, and as a condition of final acceptance, the owner, shall furnish to the Municipality, two complete sets of plans corrected to show the plan, profile and all other details of the sanitary sewers as actually constructed. Such drawings shall be identified as "As Built".
   (d)    Pipe.
      (1)    Pipe shall be vitrified clay pipe or polyvinyl chloride pipe.
(2)    Pipe may be furnished in standard lengths. All pipe and specials shall be sound and well burned, with a clear ring, smooth on the inside, free from blisters, lumps or flakes, which are thicker than one-sixteenth the nominal thickness of the pipe and whose largest dimensions are greater than one-eighth the inner diameter of the pipe. Pipe and specials having broken blisters, lumps or flakes of any size shall be rejected. No pipe having unbroken blisters more than one-quarter of an inch high shall be used unless these blisters can be placed in the top half of the sewer. Pipe or specials having fire checks or cracks of any kind, extending through the thickness of the shell, shall be rejected.
       (3)    No pipe shall be used which, while designed to be straight, varies from a straight line more than one-eighth inch per foot in length, nor shall there be any variation between any two diameters of pipe greater than one twenty-fourth the nominal diameter.
       (4)    No pipe shall be used which has a joint material damaged or has been fractured in any manner.
       (5)    Vitrified clay pipe.
          A.    All vitrified clay pipe shall meet the requirements of ASTM C- 200 with premium joints. Vitrified clay sewer pipe means the first quality of vitrified sewer pipe, of the hub and spigot pattern and of the standard dimension of hubs and thickness.
         B.    All vitrified clay pipe and specials shall be sound and well burned, with a clear ring, smooth on the inside, free from blisters, lumps or flakes, which are thicker than one-sixteenth the nominal thickness of the pipe and whose largest dimensions are greater than one-eighth the inner diameter of the pipe. Pipes and specials having broken blisters, lumps or flakes of any size shall be rejected. No pipe having unbroken blisters more than one quarter of an inch high shall be used unless these blisters can be placed in the top half of the sewer. Pipes or specials having fire checks or cracks of any kind, extending through the thickness of the shell, shall be rejected.
         C.    Any vitrified clay pipe or special which shows a want of thorough vitrification or fusion, or the use of improper or insufficient materials or methods in its manufacture shall be rejected.
      (6)   Polyvinyl chloride pipe.
         A.    All polyvinyl chloride pipe shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 3034 with end being designated for one of the type joints specified in this section. Polyvinyl chloride compound shall conform to ASTM D 1784.
         B.    The minimum class for polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be SDR 35.
         C.    Polyvinyl chloride materials of construction, including joints and fittings, shall be suitable for exposure to raw sewage, and shall also be UV stabilized with either two percent (2%) carbon black or titanium dioxide.
   (e)    Pipe Specials and Joints.
      (1)    All sewer pipe specials such as tees, wyes, bends, etc., shall meet the requirements set forth for sanitary sewer pipe and shall be of the same classification and manufacture.
      (2)    All vitrified clay pipe and pipe specials joints shall be of the plastic type known as premium. All such joints shall meet the requirements of ASTM C-425.
      (3)    Polyvinyl chloride bell and spigot type joints, including their respective appurtenances, shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 3212. Al1 polyvinyl chloride gaskets shall meet the requirements of ASTM F 477.
    (f)    Manholes.
      (1)    All manholes shall be of the precast type with eccentric cone sections so as to have one vertical side for ingress and egress and with an integral base section.
      (2)    The joints of the manhole shall be of the "O" Ring rubber type.
      (3)    The final grade adjustment of the manhole casting shall be by means of precast, keyed adjustment rings which have been cement mortar grouted in place.
      (4)    Precast manholes shall conform in all respects to ASTM specification C- 478 with the joints meeting ASTM C-443 specifications.
   (g)    Manhole Metal Work.
      (1)    All manhole frames and covers shall be of gray iron conforming to the requirements as set forth for Class No. 30 gray iron ASTM specification A-48.
      (2)    Casting for frame and cover intended for the same structure shall be cast by the same foundry and true bearings shall be assured before setting the casting in place. There shall be a clearance of not more than one-eighth inch in any direction between cover and frame. Reference is made herewith to Neemaj Foundry Company manhole frame and cover No. R- 1782 which shall be considered the standard for weight, quality, type and dimensions.
      (3)    The manhole steps shall also be of gray iron conforming to the requirements as set forth for Class No. 35 gray iron in ASTM specification A-48. Reference is made to Neemaj Foundry Company manhole step No. R-1980-E, which shall be considered the standard for weight quality, type and dimensions.
   (h)    Safety Requirements. All work shall be performed in a good workmanlike manner. All work shall be done in accordance with the Specific Safety Requirements of the Industrial Commission of Ohio currently in effect. Where the soil conditions so indicate, timber shoring shall be used in all excavations for the protection of the personnel and any structures, existing utilities or other either above or below the ground.
   (i)    Excavation. 
      (1)    All trenching or other excavation shall be made with vertical walls.
      (2)    Where the excavation is within the limits of a pavement or sidewalk or other public property, the work, once started, shall continue within the limits of normal working days until completed. The spoil material shall be so disposed and the work so programmed as to not cause total stoppage of traffic. All safety precautions shall be taken to save the public from injury.
      (3)    Where special excavation is indicated such as rock, etc., blasting shall be permitted only by the Municipal Engineer and then only in such manner as proposed in writing by the owner and approved by the Municipal Engineer.
   (j)    Pipe Laying. 
      (1)    All sanitary sewer pipe shall be laid straight and to fixed gradient between manholes. All sewer gradients shall be sufficient to give a minimum velocity of two feet per second. The following table of gradients shall be considered minimum.
Pipe Size (Inches)
Minimum % of Grade
6 (Service
Laterals Only)

      (2)    The minimum sized pipe permissible for sewers shall be eight-inch and for the service laterals six-inch. All sewers and laterals, however, shall be designed to carry three times the daily rate of flow as determined in accordance with the State of Ohio Department of Health design criteria.
      (3)    In the course of excavating for the pipe and prior to the placement of the pipe, the trench bottom shall be analyzed to determine the proper type of bedding needed. Should the trench bottom be of a water bearing nature, it shall be excavated to at least six inches below the bottom of the pipe and the trench bottom brought back to grade by filling with a No. 67 stone, gravel or other approved material and the pipe firmly and totally bedded therein.
      (4)    If the trench bottom is of a hard material such as rock or slate, the bottom shall be excavated to six inches below the bottom of the pipe, the trench backfilled with a good grade of sand and the pipe firmly and totally bedded therein.
      (5)    The pipe, following aligning, grading and proper bedding, shall be covered to one foot over the pipe with the same material as the bedding and thoroughly compacted to forestall the movement of and for the protection of the pipe during final backfilling.
      (6)    All wye stubs and ends of service laterals shall be thoroughly plugged with the prescribed stopper. The stopper shall be amply blocked to forestall blow-out during testing.
      (7)    In the process of backfilling the lateral or wye stub, a "wye pole", measuring two inches by two inches, shall be inserted in the excavation and extending from the end of the wye stub or lateral vertically to within eighteen inches of the final surface grade. The "wye pole" shall be covered in the process of backfilling.
   (k)    Backfill.
      (1)    All backfill shall be selected from the excavated material. Care shall be taken to remove all rocks, shale or organics such as tree stumps, brush, leaves, sod or other, prior to placement of backfill.
      (2)    Where the trenching occurs under or within three feet of any pavement, driveway or sidewalk only granular material shall be used as backfill. The granular material shall be placed in the trench in six-inch layers and thoroughly compacted.
      (3)    Where the trenching occurred within the limits of pavement, drive or sidewalks, and following backfilling, the pavement, drive or sidewalk shall be replaced in kind, however, the pavement replacement shall not be less than four inches of Item 404 asphaltic concrete on four inches of Item 304 aggregate base. The pavement, drive or sidewalk replacement shall extend one foot outside the limits of the excavation.
   (1)    Clean-Up. Following the completion of all construction, all surplus material shall be removed from the site, the disturbed areas leveled and dressed in a drainable, eye-appealing fashion and seeded with an approved grass seed mix.
   (m)    Material Tests. The Municipality reserves the right to require the testing of any materials being furnished for the project. All material found not in compliance with the specifications as set forth herein shall be ordered removed by the Municipality in writing. The removal of the noncomplying material shall be completed within forty-eight hours of receipt of the notice of removal. All costs for materials testing so ordered by the Municipality shall be at the expense of and be billed directly to the owner.
      (Ord. 479. Passed 4-3-72.)
   (n)    Construction Inspection; Deposit. 
      (1)    No construction shall be performed or installation or connections made without such work being observed, inspected and approved for in compliance with the applicable specifications by an inspector employed by the Municipality.
      (2)   After a sanitary sewer or a line connecting a building to a sanitary sewer is constructed or repaired, and before it is covered or used, it shall be inspected and approved by an inspector employed by the Municipality.
      (3)    The Municipality shall determine an amount which the owner shall place on deposit with the Municipality to cover the costs of such inspection. The deposit shall be increased by the owner as the costs of the inspection rise above the amount on deposit.
      (4)   The primary responsibility for maintenance and repair of any line connecting a building to a sanitary sewer shall be that of the owner of the building. In the event that the Municipality performs maintenance or repair on a line connecting a building to a sanitary sewer, the owner shall promptly reimburse the Village for all costs of such maintenance or repair.
(Ord. 02-121. Passed 6-6-02.)
   (o)    Testing. 
      (1)    All sewers shall be tested by the infiltration or exfiltration method. Where the major portion of the sewer was installed in water bearing conditions, the infiltration method shall be used. On all other installations the exfiltration method shall be used.
      (2)    In the infiltration test, the depth of water flow, prior to connection of any services, shall be measured in consecutive manholes and the volume rate of flow determined therefrom.
      (3)    The exfiltration tests shall be performed as follows:
         A.    Each run between manholes shall be blocked off and the sewer filled with water to a height of three feet over the invert of the upper manhole but not exceeding four feet over the lower manhole. The lengths of laterals shall be included and the test performed after installation of the laterals.
         B.    The maximum loss by the exfiltration method or flow by the infiltration method shall be calculated at the rate of three hundred gallons per twenty-four hours per inch of pipe diameter per mile of sewer tested.
      (4)    All installations using polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be tested for deflection, i.e., the reduction in vertical inside diameter. The maximum allowable polyvinyl chloride pipe deflection shall be five percent (5%). Any location with deflection in excess of five percent (5%) shall be excavated and repaired by re-bedding or replacement of the pipe.
      (5)    Devices for testing deflection in polyvinyl chloride pipe shall include a properly size "go, no-go" mandrel or sewer ball. For the purpose of deflection measurement, the base inside pipe diameters without deflection are provided in the following table:
Base Inside Diameters for
Deflection Measurements of
ASTM D 3034 DR35 PVC Sewer Pipe


x Min.
NOTE:    Base I.D. is a minimum pipe I.D. derived by subtracting a statistical tolerance package from the pipe's average I.D. The tolerance package is defined as the square root of the sum of squared standard manufacturing tolerances.
Avg. ID = Avg OD - 2(1.06)t
Tolerance Package =( A2 + B2 + C2) ½
A = OD Tolerance (ASTM D3034)
B = Excess Wall Thickness Tolerance - 0.06t
C = Out-of-Roundness Tolerance - 0.015 (Avg. OD)
t = Minimum Wall Thickness(ASTM D3034)
The maximum allowable deflection should be applied to these base inside diameters in determining the minimum permissible diameter. To insure accurate testing, the lines shall first be thoroughly cleaned.
      (6)    Final acceptance of the sewer installation shall be based on the inspection of the sewers by the television method. All televising of the sewers shall be viewed by a representative of the Municipality. A report on the findings of the television inspection shall also be filed with the Municipality by the company doing the televised inspection work.
      (7)    All testing and inspection costs shall be at the owner's expense.
   (p)    Use Permit.
      (1)    Following the completion of all sewer installation work and site area cleanup, the Municipal Engineer shall determine the acceptability of the work and report in writing to the Municipality. The owner shall then receive from the Municipality a use permit allowing the sewer installation to be put into service.
      (2)    The owner, however, shall not be relieved of any liability for maintenance, repair, or injury resulting from the sewer installation work.
      (3)    For a period of one year from the issuance of the use permit the owner, at his expense, shall perform all maintenance, make all repairs to the sewer installation and all repairs to adjacent structures, utilities, pavement, drives, sidewalks, or others harmed as a result of the installation work. The owner shall also hold the Municipality free from any responsibility for bodily injury resulting from any part of the sewer installation.
   (q)    Bond. As a guarantee for the faithful performance of the repairs for one year, set forth in subsection (p) herein, the owner shall furnish to the Municipality a surety bond executed by an acceptable surety company in an amount to be determined by the Municipality but not to exceed five percent of the estimated cost of construction of the total sanitary sewage project.
      (Ord. 479. Passed 4-3-72; Ord. 90-130. Passed 7-16-90.)