(a) Any person operating an ultralight vehicle under this chapter shall, upon request, allow the City Manager, or his or her designee, to inspect the vehicle to determine the applicability of this chapter.
(b) The pilot or operator of an ultralight vehicle must, upon request of the City Manager, furnish satisfactory evidence that the vehicle is subject only to the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 4902. Passed 7-11-95.)
(a) Notwithstanding any other regulation pertaining to certification of aircraft or their parts or equipment, ultralight vehicles and their component parts and equipment are not required to meet the airworthiness certification standards specified for aircraft or to have certificates of airworthiness.
(b) Notwithstanding any other regulation pertaining to certification of airmen, operators of ultralight vehicles are not required to meet any aeronautical knowledge, age or experience requirements to operate those vehicles or to have an airman or medical certificate.
(c) Notwithstanding any other section pertaining to registration and marking of aircraft, ultralight vehicles are not required to be registered or to bear markings of any type.
(Ord. 4902. Passed 7-11-95.)
(a) No person shall operate any ultralight vehicle in a manner that creates a hazard to any other person or to property.
(b) No person shall allow an object to be dropped from an ultralight vehicle if such action creates a hazard to any other person or to property.
(Ord. 4902. Passed 7-11-95.)
(a) No person shall operate an ultralight vehicle except between the hours of sunrise and sunset.
(b) Notwithstanding division (a) of this section, an ultralight vehicle may be operated during the twilight period, 30 minutes before official sunrise and 30 minutes after official sunset, if:
(1) The vehicle is equipped with an operating anti-collision light visible for at least three statute miles; and
(2) All operations are conducted in uncontrolled airspace.
(Ord. 4902. Passed 7-11-95.)
(a) Each person operating an ultralight vehicle shall maintain vigilance so as to see and avoid aircraft and shall yield the right-of-way to all aircraft.
(b) No person shall operate an ultralight vehicle in any manner that creates a collision hazard with respect to any aircraft.
(c) Powered ultralights shall yield the right-of-way to unpowered ultralights.
(Ord. 4902. Passed 7-11-95.)