(a)   License and Registration Card Required.
      (1)   No person shall operate or use a bicycle upon any of the streets of the City without first obtaining a license and registration card therefor.
      (2)   Application for a license and registration card shall be made to the Police Chief on or before April 1 of each year. The application shall be signed in duplicate
   by the applicant and contain the name, date of birth and address of the owner, together with a complete description of the bicycle, including the frame number, bill of sale or memorandum showing ownership.
(Ord. 1784. Passed 10-20-70.)
   (b)   License Fee.
      (1)   The fee to be paid for the license required by division (a) of this section shall be five dollars ($5.00) and the same shall be paid at the time of issuance of the license.
      (2)   The owner of any bicycle recovered by the Police Division and not possessing a license shall be required to purchase a license before the bicycle is surrendered to such owner.
      (3)   All bicycle license fees shall be paid into the General Fund.
(Adopting Ordinance)
   (c)   License Issuance and Display; Duplicates; Records. Upon proper application and payment of the license fee, the Police Chief is hereby authorized to issue bicycle licenses and registration cards, which shall entitle the licensee to operate the bicycle upon the streets and sidewalks of the City. The license tag or decal so issued by the Police Chief shall be affixed to the rear of the rear fender of the bicycle in a conspicuous place and shall remain so affixed until registration expires or until the same is removed by the Police Division for cause. In case of theft or loss of the tag or decal, a duplicate tag shall be issued upon payment of a fee covering the actual cost of such tag or decal. The Police Chief shall keep a record of the date of issuance of each license, to whom issued and the number thereof. Registrations shall be serially numbered and kept on file at the office of the Police Chief.
   (d)   Sale or Transfer of Ownership. It shall be the duty of every person who sells or transfers ownership of any bicycle to report such sale or transfer by returning to the Police Chief the registration card issued to such person as license thereof, together with the name and address of the person to whom such bicycle was sold or transferred. Such report shall be made within seven days of the date of such sale or transfer. It shall be the duty of the purchaser or transferee of such bicycle to apply for a transfer of the registration thereof within seven days of such sale or transfer.
   (e)   Destroying or Mutilating Licenses, Cards or Numbers. No person shall willfully or maliciously remove, destroy, mutilate or alter the serial number of any bicycle frame. No person shall remove, destroy, mutilate or alter any license plate, seal or registration card. Nothing herein shall prohibit any qualified mechanic at any of the Municipal garages, or any other location designated by the Police Division, from stamping numbers on frames of bicycles on which no serial number can be found, or on which such number is illegible or insufficient for identification purposes.
(Ord. 303. Passed 3-5-40.)
   (f)   Impounding. Whenever any bicycle shall be operated by any minor under the age of eighteen years without a license as required by this chapter, such bicycle may be impounded by any police officer. The bicycle so impounded shall be surrendered to the parent or guardian of such minor, without charge, after a full explanation to such parent or guardian of the requirement that all bicycles be licensed.
(1966 Code § 375.06)