Recycling facilities, salvage and junk yards and similar uses are permitted in certain zoning districts subject to the following standards:
   (a)   Recycling facilities shall have a minimum lot area of one acre.
   (b)   Salvage and junk yards shall have a minimum lot area of two acres.
   (c)   All materials collected at a recycling facility shall be stored within an enclosed building or in closed and covered containers, and the site shall be kept free of visible trash and debris.
   (d)   All storage of materials or equipment that is not totally enclosed within a building shall be located at least 150 feet from any residential district or residentially-used property and shall be entirely enclosed within a solid fence (slatted chain-link fences not permitted) with a maximum height of eight feet. Items shall not be piled or stored higher than the top of the fence or wall.
   (e)   Landscaping and screening:
      (1)   Where the proposed lot abuts a residentially zoned district or residential use, a landscaped buffer at least fifty feet wide shall be created along the entire length of the property for screening and buffering purposes. This bufferyard shall contain a solid wood privacy fence or finished masonry wall of adequate height, as adjudged by the Planning Commission, and a dense planting of Group C trees not less than six feet in height at the time of planting planted on the side of the fence nearest the residential district or use.
      (2)   Where the proposed lot abuts any other district or use, a landscaped buffer at least thirty feet wide shall be created along the entire length of the lot for screening and buffering purposes. This bufferyard shall contain a solid wood privacy fence or finished masonry wall of adequate height, as adjudged by the Planning Commission and a dense planting of Group C trees not less than six feet in height at the time of planting planted on the side of the fence nearest the neighboring property line.
      (3)   Along the right-of-way line, a landscaped buffer measuring thirty-five feet in width shall be created and shall be planted with street trees in accordance with Chapter 1290 and a continuous row of evergreen shrubs planted at a minimum height of eighteen inches that will reach at least three feet in height at maturity. All streetscape landscaping requirements of Chapter 1290 shall also be met.
(Ord. 6773. Passed 4-2-19.)