Structural Requirements. Structural requirements in the MB-1 District are as follows:
(a) Maximum Building Height. As approved by the Planning Commission. Single-story buildings shall be limited to 45 feet in height while the Planning Commission may approve increases in the maximum height requirements for buildings exceeding 45 feet in height that contain more than three occupiable stories at an average height increase of 15 feet in height per story above the first three stories.
(b) Architectural Standards. The following architectural standards shall apply to development in the MB-1 District:
(1) Facade materials. Building facades shall be constructed with durable, long lasting materials. Unacceptable facade building materials as principal facade elements include: exterior insulation finish systems (EFIS), such as Dry-vit, Sto-Wall and other brands, imitation wood, plain concrete block and unadorned tilt up panel. Corrugated steel siding is also prohibited on new construction - such siding is permissible when expanding an existing steel-sided structure provided such additions are appropriately designed and not easily visible from any public right-of-way. The Planning Commission may approve steel siding on rear building elevations provided that such materials are designed appropriately and not easily visible from any public right-of-way. "Designed appropriately" is defined as steel siding that, if corrugated, has a shallow corrugation (=/<1/8 of an inch), is colored appropriately to match the remainder of the structure and is screened from view from public rights-of-way with evergreen and deciduous vegetation to the extent deemed necessary by the Planning Commission based upon the proposed site design and existing characteristics of the surrounding area.
(2) Glass. The use of glass is encouraged on front facades and should comprise a minimum of 25% of the first floor of buildings elevations facing a public right-of-way.
(3) Main building entrances. Public entrances shall be inviting and pronounced with lighting; high quality building materials; and architectural elements that draw the eye to the opening such as decorative transoms, columns, recesses, canopies or protrusions.
(4) Break long, flat walls. Where building with long continuous walls are oriented to the street, the use of contrasting architectural features is encouraged to provide visual relief and break the building mass at regular intervals.
(5) Accents. The use of building accents such as recesses, offsets, arches, canopies, raised parapets over doors, etc. that accent public and primary entrances to buildings are encouraged.
(6) Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened with roof form.
(Ord. 6869. Passed 2-16-21.)