(a)   General Requirements. All accessory structures shall be required to meet the following requirements:
      (1)   Permits. No accessory structure shall be constructed or erected without a building permit from the City.
      (2)   Permit submittal requirements. The applicant shall present the following information when applying for a building permit to erect or construct an accessory structure:
         A.   Any documentation (permit or license) which is required by any Federal, State or local agency for the erection and use of such a structure.
         B.   A site plan drawn to scale, depicting the size (floor area and height) and location of existing and proposed structures on the property and the distance the subject accessory structure will be located from existing structures and property lines.
         C.   Pertinent architectural details of the accessory structure, including construction materials and colors.
      (3)   An accessory structure shall be constructed or established on a parcel when there is a principal building or use being constructed or already established on the same parcel of land.
      (4)   Accessory buildings constructed primarily of canvas, plastic, fabric or any other non-permanent building materials shall be prohibited.
      (5)   Shipping containers, boxcars and other similar container shall not be used as accessory structures in any residential or commercial zoning district.
   (b)   Accessory Buildings in Residential Districts. In addition to the general requirements set forth in subsection (a) hereof, all accessory buildings shall be subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   Location. No accessory building shall be permitted in any yard other than the rear yard. However, on a corner lot, an accessory building may be erected to the rear of the principal building in a corner side yard, provided that all other setback requirements are met. In addition, accessory structures measuring no larger than 144 square feet may be constructed in a through front yard provided that such structures are adequately screened with topography and/or vegetation and placed far enough from the street, in the opinion of the Zoning Inspector, so as to not diminish the character of the street. Such accessory structures shall be architecturally compatible with the principal structure.
      (2)   Setbacks. A five foot setback shall be observed from all property lines, except when the structure is a garage that abuts an alley, in which case a ten foot setback shall be observed from the lot lines toward which the vehicular door(s) face.
      (3)   Separation. The minimum distance between any accessory and principal building shall be ten feet.
      (4)   Size. No more than 20% of the required rear yard shall be occupied by accessory structures.
      (5)   Height. Accessory buildings shall not exceed 15 feet in height.
(Ord 6333. Passed 8-21-12; Ord. 6845. Passed 7-21-20; Ord. 6857. Passed 6-2-20.)
   (c)   Accessory Structures in Business and Industrial Districts.
      (1)   Such structures shall be incidental, subordinate and commonly associated with the primary use and structures on the associated lot.
      (2)   Such structures shall be operated and maintained under the same ownership as the primary structure.
      (3)   Such structures associated with a special use establishment shall be reviewed using the site plan review process, as outlined in Chapter 1294 of the Miamisburg Zoning Ordinance. (Ord. 6333. Passed 8-21-12.)
   (d)   Satellite Dish Type Antennas in Residential Districts. In addition to the general requirements set forth in subsection (a) hereof, all dish type antennas shall be subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   Any dish antenna having a diameter of one meter (39.37") or less shall be exempt from these regulations. (Ord. 6333. Passed 8-21-12.)
      (2)   Any dish antenna having a diameter greater than one meter (39.37") shall require a building permit.
         A.   The cost of said permit shall be provided for in Chapter 214 of the Administration Code.
         B.   The permit application shall include a copy of the site plan or property survey with dimensions indicating the location of the satellite dish on the property, the overall height of the dish and its support structure.
      (3)   Location. No dish-type antenna shall be permitted in any yard other than the rear-yard. However, on a corner lot an accessory building may be erected to the rear of the principal building in a corner side yard, provided that all other setbacks are met.
      (4)   A roof or pole-mounted satellite dish or antenna shall not be visible from any adjacent public right-of-way other than public alleys.
      (5)   Satellite dishes, antenna, or other similar devices may be installed in front of a building only when no other means of reception can be provided. In such cases where the proposed location of the device in front of a building is visible from an adjacent public right-of-way, the owner or tenant of the property shall provide adequate screening of the device through the use of appropriate landscaping, fencing or architectural building features.
      (6)   Setbacks. A minimum five foot setback shall be maintained from all property lines. This distance shall be measured horizontally from and perpendicular to that part of the structure nearest the property line.
      (7)   Height. After installation, such dish-type antennas shall not exceed a height of 12 feet, measured vertically from the ground level grade to the highest point on the unit.
      (8)   No such dish type antenna shall be affixed to any roof.
      (9)   No such dish type antenna shall be linked physically or electronically to a receiving unit which is not located on the same lot, premises or parcel of land.
      (10)   No more than one dish type antenna will be permitted on any one lot.
      (11)   Such a structure may not be used for advertising purposes.
      (12)   Screening surrounding the unit must be provided by plantings of evergreens or other shrubs of a height not less than four feet and spaced at intervals of four feet.
   (e)   Requirements for Placement of Temporary Storage Units in Residential Districts.
      (1)   Temporary storage units shall be placed on the driveway or parking area or, if access exists, at the edge or rear of the lot when a minimum setback of five feet from the side lot line and ten feet from the rear lot line can be maintained. Required parking spaces shall be maintained and available at all times when a temporary storage unit is placed in a parking area.
      (2)   There shall be no more than one temporary storage unit located on a residential property at any time.
      (3)   A temporary storage unit shall be located on a residential property for a maximum period of 30 calendar days, including the dates of delivery and removal. An extension of time may be granted by the Zoning Inspector, subject to conditions, in an amount not to exceed an additional 30 calendar days.
      (4)   A temporary storage unit shall be placed on asphalt, concrete or similar impervious-surface.
      (5)   The maximum allowable size of temporary storage unit shall be ten feet wide, 20 feet long and ten feet high.
      (6)   The property owner shall be responsible for ensuring that the temporary storage unit is maintained in good condition, free from evidence of deterioration, weathering, discoloration, graffiti, rust, ripping, tearing or other similar condition, while the unit is on the property.
      (7)   No temporary storage unit shall be used to store solid waste, business inventory, commercial goods, illegal or hazardous materials, or goods for property other than those associated with the residential property where the unit is located.
      (8)   All temporary storage units shall be registered with the Development Department prior to placement on any residential lot. Registration requirements are as follows:
         A.   Prior to or within 24 hours of the initial delivery of the unit, the property owner shall register the placement of the unit with the Department of Development.
         B.   The registration shall contain the name of the applicant to whom the temporary storage unit is supplied, the address where the unit will be placed, delivery date, a site plan showing the proposed location and placement of the unit, and name and contact information of the unit provider. The registration shall also include the date of delivery of the storage unit and the estimated date or removal. (Ord. 6333. Passed 8-21-12.)
(Ord. 6625. Passed 1-17-17.)