(a)   The use will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be harmonious and appropriate with the prevailing existing or intended character of the general vicinity.
   (b)   A special use application shall specifically identify the nature of the activities, hours of operation, the use of nonresident employees, and any other information specifically requested by the Planning Commission.
   (c)   All activities, programs and other events shall be identified on the special use permit application and be directly related to the special use permit so granted.
   (d)   Applicants shall clearly demonstrate that the proposed use will be compatible with the neighborhood, particularly with regard to traffic circulation, parking and overall appearance.
   (e)   All activities, programs and other events shall be adequately and properly supervised to assure against any disturbance or nuisance to surrounding properties, residents, or to the community in general.
   (f)   No operation shall create any offensive noise, vibration, smoke or other particulate matter, heat, glare, electronic interference or otherwise constitute a nuisance or safety hazard to any occupant of adjacent or nearby properties.
   (g)   Principal or accessory buildings shall be prohibited from locating in the front yard and shall have a minimum side and rear yard setback of 100 feet.
   (h)   Outdoor activity areas shall be setback from all lot lines a minimum of 60 feet. The setback shall be measured from the outer edge of the activity area.
   (i)   The owner/operator shall comply with all applicable parking regulations, as outlined in Chapter 1292 of the Zoning Code, and shall provide adequate provision for on-site parking of vehicles used by visitors and any activity-support personnel. The use of alternative pavements such as brick pavers and porous pavement is encouraged. Parking for visitors and employees shall be located behind the front building line. Drop-off areas may be located in the front yard, but shall be designed in such a way that maintains a residential character and appearance.
   (j)   Entrances to the site shall be minimized and placed in such a way as to maximize safety, provide efficient traffic circulation and minimize the impact on surrounding uses.
   (k)   Exterior lighting shall be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and shall not spill on to any adjacent properties.
   (l)   Existing natural or man-made barriers at the site shall be provided as protection and screening against noise and visual protection for all operations. At a minimum, a 50-foot buffer yard shall be provided along all lot lines. This buffer yard shall be planted with large and small evergreen trees and one row of evergreen shrubs. The large evergreen trees shall be at least four feet in height when planted.
   (m)   The proposed use may have nonresident employees to perform lodging activities which shall be specifically approved as part of the Special Use review. The number of employees may be limited as part of the Special Use approval.
   (n)   The Planning Commission may limit the number of guests permitted at such events, the hours of operation and the number of events conducted based on anticipated impact to surrounding properties and to assure compatibility with adjacent uses.
   (o)   If any additional activities are proposed which were not included on an approved Special Use permit, then a new permit shall be requested in accordance with the procedures for Special Use permits.
(Ord. 6333. Passed 8-21-12.)