(a)   Submittal requirements. The operator or agency applying for a special use permit to operate a community-based residential social service facility shall submit the following information to aid the Planning Commission in its review of the requested facility:
      (1)   Information sufficient to establish the need for the facility in the proposed location in relation to the specific clientele served.
      (2)   Identification of similar facilities presently existing within the County and its municipalities.
      (3)   A license or evidence of ability to obtain a license, is such is required, from the pertinent governmental unit prior to operation. Prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy, the operator or agency shall provide evidence that a valid license has been issued or is obtainable for the proposed special use on the subject property. If licensing is not available, a verified affidavit so stating shall be presented.
      (4)   A copy of the sponsoring agency”s operational and occupational standards.
      (5)   A detailed plan for services and programs.
      (6)   A review and written approval of any community-based residential social service facility - group and family homes - by any board having jurisdiction over such program.
   (b)   Facility Requirements.
      (1)   Every room occupied for sleeping purposes within the home shall contain a minimum of eighty square feet of habitable room area for one occupant and, when occupied by more than one, shall contain at least sixty square feet of habitable room area for each occupant.
      (2)   Suitable space shall be provided for indoor and/or outdoor recreational activities for the clientele served, based upon generally accepted recreational standards or those specified by the licensing authority.
      (3)   No exterior alterations of the structure shall be made which depart from the residential character of the building. All new structures proposed shall be of compatible residential design with the surrounding neighborhood, to the degree possible.
      (4)   Off-street parking requirements shall be as follows: one space per every three persons residing in a family or community-based residential social service facility, except for facilities prohibiting ownership or operation of automobiles by occupants of such facilities. In any case, suitably screened off-street parking shall be provided on a one-to-one ratio to the number of automobiles operated out of the facility. Within neighborhoods in which on-street parking is accepted practice, on-street space directly abutting the subject lot may substitute for a proportion of the required off-street spaces if approved by the Planning Commission.
      (5)   Resident density shall not exceed that density permitted within the respective zoning districts in which the facility is proposed.
   (c)   Findings by the Planning Commission. In its review of each proposed facility, the Planning Commission shall make specific finding of fact relative to the following criteria, namely that the proposed facility:
      (1)   Is in fact a community-based residential social service facility licensed by the appropriate authority to provide such service within the State and the City. If such licensing is not available, a verified affidavit so stating has been presented to document this statement.
      (2)   Is in fact a needed facility in the location proposed, based upon evidence acceptable to the Planning Commission.
      (3)   Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or officially planned uses in the general vicinity and will not change the essential character or the same area. In this regard, it does not contribute to a concentration of such facilities in the respective area.
      (4)   Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or officially planned future neighboring uses from the standpoint of noise, lights, congestion or traffic generation which would be incompatible with the neighborhood environment.
      (5)   Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, such as highways, streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water, sewers, and schools, or that the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use shall be able to adequately provide any such services.
      (6)   Will not involve uses, activities and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare.
      (7)   Will have vehicular approaches to the property which shall be so designed as not to create an interference with traffic on surrounding public thoroughfares.
(Ord. 2712. Passed 8-1-78; Ord. 3527. Passed 8-7-84.)