Purpose. The following standards for home occupations are intended to provide reasonable opportunities for employment within the home, while avoiding changes to the residential character of the dwelling unit that accommodates a home occupation, or the surrounding neighborhood, where allowed by this section:
   (a)   The home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to the home's use for residential purposes, and not more than 25% of the gross floor area of the principal structure shall be used in the conduct of the home occupation.
   (b)   The use shall be conducted by the occupant(s) with no employees who do not live on the premise.
   (c)   The workers, residents, and customers of the home occupation shall neither interfere with nor impair the uses of the surrounding area.
   (d)   No traffic shall be generated by a home occupation in greater volumes than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood.
   (e)   The use shall be carried on entirely within the dwelling and not in an accessory building.
   (f)   The use shall not constitute primary or incidental storage facilities for a business, industrial or agricultural activity conducted elsewhere.
   (g)   No activity, materials, goods or equipment indicative of the proposed use shall be visible from any public way or adjacent property.
   (h)   There shall be no window display, outdoor storage, or display of equipment, materials, or supplies associated with the home occupation.
   (i)   The proposed use shall not generate noise, odor, dust, smoke, electromagnetic interference or vehicular or pedestrian traffic in an amount which would tend to depreciate the residential character of the neighborhood in which the proposed use is located.
   (j)   The following uses are examples of prohibited home occupations (note: this is not an exhaustive list):
      (1)   Automobile and other vehicle repair and service.
      (2)   Vehicle washing.
      (3)   Automobile sales.
      (4)   Construction, landscaping, or similar contractor facilities (an office-only use is allowed in compliance with the above standards) and other outdoor storage.
      (5)   Outdoor storage.
      (6)   Fitness/health facilities that provide group activities or services.
      (7)   Medical clinics, laboratories, or doctor's offices.
      (8)   Tattoo or piercing parlors.
      (9)   Welding and machine shop operations.
      (10)   Retail uses where there is stock-in-trade on site.
      (11)   Any home occupation that violates the standards of this section.
      (12)   Other similar uses as determined by the Development Department.
   (k)   All home occupations shall receive a zoning authorization from the Development Department and any other required documentation shall be provided to the applicable agencies prior to the initiation of the home occupation.
   (l)   No signs shall be permitted for the home occupation.
(Ord. 6626. Passed 1-17-17; Ord. 6869. Passed 2-16-21.)