(a)   The location of the lot shall be such that at least one property line abuts a major thoroughfare and such that the lot is at least one thousand 1,000 feet from any residentially zoned district.
   (b)   A public hearing shall be held after due public notice.
   (c)   The premises shall be enclosed with a solid screen fence seven feet in height.
   (d)   All points of entrance or exit shall be located no closer than 250 feet from any intersection (as measured to the nearest intersection right-of-way line).
   (e)   The interior of the premises shall be designed with respect to lighting, drainage and the like to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission.
   (f)   Space shall be provided, on-premises, for a reasonable amount of waiting vehicles to stand at the entrance to the facility.
   (g)   The theater screen shall not face, directly or obliquely by less than seventy-five degrees, on a major thoroughfare.
   (h)   Acceleration and deceleration lanes shall be provided at points of public ingress and egress to the site.
(Ord. 2712. Passed 8-1-78.)