(a)   No sign regulated by this chapter, unless explicitly exempted from sign permitting requirements, may be erected, painted, installed or otherwise established in the City without a permit first having been obtained therefor. Such permit shall be obtained through the Development Department. The fees for all sign permits shall be provided for within Chapter 214 of the Administration Code.
   (b)   Any sign requiring a structural steel foundation and/or electricity shall obtain foundation and/or electrical permits from the Development Department, as well as a sign permit.
   (c)   Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, a temporary sign permit is required before the placement or erection of any temporary sign that is not allowed without a permit. Such a permit shall be issued administratively for a period not to exceed those specified in Table 1293.09-1 of this chapter.
   (d)   Any language in this chapter that includes other permit requirements and limitations on the duration of certain permits shall be considered supplemental to the requirements of this section and shall not be interpreted as waivers of application, fee or other requirements set forth in this section. In the case of apparent conflict between any such language and the language of this section, the more specific language shall control.
   (e)   Timeframe. A permit issued by the City of Miamisburg shall become invalid if work is not commenced within 180 days of issuance, or if work is subsequently suspended or abandoned for more than 180 days. At which point, the applicant must re-apply for said sign permit prior to commencing work on any sign requiring such a permit.
   (f)   No provision of this section controls over Sections 1293.02(e) and 1293.02(f).
(Ord. 6717. Passed 5-1-18.)