The following signs and sign components shall be prohibited:
   (a)   Signs with blinking, flashing, or intermittent lighting.
   (b)   Pennants, balloons, streamers, searchlights, air-activated devices, spinning and similar-type devices. These are also known as “attention-attracting devices” and “windblown signs.”
   (c)   Signs attached or otherwise applied to trees, bus shelters, benches, trash receptacles or enclosures, newspaper vending machines, telephone or electrical poles or other unapproved supporting structures, or otherwise placed in the public right-of-way.
   (d)   Any sign mounted onto, above, or incorporated into, the roof of any building shall be prohibited. Wall signs may be permitted on mansard-style roofs, provided that there are no other options to achieve sign visibility on the structure and that such a sign is placed in a way that does not diminish the architectural character of the building, as determined by the Development Department. Signs placed on mansard-style roofs are not permitted to extend above or beyond the roofline and shall be at least two feet below the roofline.
   (e)   Any sign with visible moving, revolving, rotating parts, visible mechanical movement or which conveys at any time the visual sensation or appearance of motion or presents a non-constant visual image to the eye of an observer shall be prohibited.
   (f)   Any sign or part thereof of which utilizes flame as a source of light.
   (g)   Any sign or part thereof which utilizes bare bulb illumination.
   (h)   Portable signs, including portable changeable copy signs.
   (i)   Portable signs carried by sign walkers.
   (j)   Snipe signs.
   (k)   Signs which emit audible sounds including messages, announcements, music, or sirens.
   (l)   Obscene signs.
   (m)   Vehicular signs.
   (n)   Any sign which, by reason of size, shape, location, coloring or manner of illumination violates the provisions of Section 1293.07 (Traffic Hazards) of this chapter.
   (o)   No signs shall be located nearer than eight feet vertically, or four feet horizontally from any overhead electrical wires or conductors or public utility guy wires.
   (p)   Abandoned signs.
   (q)   Any sign not expressly permitted by these regulations.
(Ord. 6717. Passed 5-1-18.)