1293.01 PURPOSE.
   It is the intent of this chapter to establish reasonable regulations governing the size, character and location of signs within the City of Miamisburg, in the interest of the safety and general welfare of its citizens, business concerns and other affected sectors of the community. Within this framework, this chapter is adopted to achieve the following objectives:
   (a)   To minimize the possibility that a sign size, location or character will create hazards adversely affecting traffic and pedestrian safety and the safety of the public in general;
   (b)   To establish sign limitations which allow a reasonable capacity for advertisement, but which prevent the escalation of sign competition to levels which are non-productive and create unnecessarily high entrepreneurial costs.
   (c)   To create a more aesthetically pleasing urban environment, without unreasonably limiting the right of individuals to employ signs in the legitimate use of their property;
   (d)   Protect the public from a traffic safety concern by reducing driver distraction, addressing driver fatigue, impairment, judgment, error, risk taking, and traffic violations that could occur from the distraction of certain signs.
   (e)   To protect the rights of property owners and occupants to display messages protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, the purpose of these regulations include the intention to remove any doubt that it is the public’s right to receive and display messages protected by the First Amendment, including but not limited to, religious, political, economic, social and philosophical messages subject, however, to reasonable regulations to assure safety and minimize visual blight. It is the further purpose of these regulations to affirm that an expedient appeal process exists that addresses these First Amendment concerns.
(Ord. 6717. Passed 5-1-18.)