Within the WF-1 District, the following standards shall apply:
   (a)   Use and/or storage of regulated substances in conjunction with public water supply and treatment activities shall not be restricted by this chapter.
   (b)   For existing facilities, the aggregate of regulated substances in use, storage, handling and/or production may not exceed the maximum quantities of regulated substances on- site at the time of the adoption of this chapter.
   (c)   For new businesses locating within the WF-1 District, the aggregate of regulated substances in use, storage, handling, and/or production may not exceed 25 gallons or 200 pounds at any time, unless the facility locates in a facility which previously used regulated substances, in which case the new business is limited to the maximum amount of regulated substance inventoried for the previous occupant.
   (d)   A limited exclusion from the provisions of division (b) of this section is authorized for non-routine maintenance or repair of property or equipment. The use, storage, handling, and/or production of regulated substances under this exclusion shall be limited to:
      (1)   The aggregate of regulated substances in use, storage, handling, and/or production may not exceed 100 gallons or 800 pounds at any time.
      (2)   The application of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-approved agricultural chemicals by licensed personnel using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency best management practices.
   (e)   A limited exclusion from the provisions of division (b) of this section is authorized for each medical and research laboratory use, provided however, regulated substances shall be stored, handled or used in containers not to exceed 50 gallons or 400 pounds of each substance and the aggregate inventory shall not exceed 200 gallons or 1600 pounds.
   (f)   A limited exclusion from the provisions of division (b) of this section is authorized for regulated substances which are cleaning agents, provided however, such cleaning agents are packaged for personal or household use or are present in the same form and concentration as a product packaged for use by the general public, and provided the aggregate inventory of such cleaning agents shall not exceed 100 gallons or 800 pounds at any time. In no case shall regulated substances claimed under this exclusion include hydrocarbon or halogenated hydrocarbon solvents.
   (g)   A limited exclusion from the provisions of division (b) of this section is authorized for on-site storage of a maximum one-year supply of agricultural chemicals to be used for routine on-site agricultural operations, provided such substances are stored in standard approved packaging and such chemicals are applied to cropland under best management practices as indicated by soil tests, agricultural experts, or label directions approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This limited exclusion also applies to the application of agricultural chemicals to cropland where such chemicals are brought in from other locations.
   (h)   Within the WF-1 Overlay District, all new above-ground indoor or outdoor regulated substance storage units, containing quantities equal to or exceeding those defined in division (a) of this section, must be in a location or containment area constructed in a manner to prevent a release from reaching the groundwater. These storage units include but are not limited to above-ground and underground storage tanks, drums, totes, and cans. Construction requirements include:
      (1)   A containment area must be capable of holding 110% of the largest storage unit in that location.
      (2)   Appropriate secondary containment requirements include but are not limited to double walling or diking.
      (3)   Where practical, the secondary containment structure shall be designed to allow drainage or pumping into a holding area designed to contain the discharge until it can be properly removed.
      (4)   The secondary containment structure shall be properly maintained and shall be free of vegetation, cracks, open seams, open drains, siphons or other openings that jeopardize the integrity of the structure. Any required modifications to storage unit shall be made within two years of the effective date of this chapter.
   (i)   Facilities within the WF-1 Overlay District with existing aboveground storage units as described above must do any of the following:
      (1)   Install secondary containment as described above; or
      (2)   Propose alternative containment/spill control measures in a written document, submit to the Planning Commission/Administrative Officer for approval, and implement within two years of approval.
   (j)   The owner of property upon which an abandoned well exists shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and guidelines that pertain to such situations, including O.A.C. 3701-28-07 and 3745-9-10 and the State of Ohio Technical Guidance for Sealing Unused Wells (Ohio Department of Natural Resources, 1996). The Montgomery County Health Department shall coordinate and consult in all proposed abandonment situations.
   (k)   No new underground storage tanks will be installed in the WF-1 Overlay District.
   (l)   Any current underground storage tank system regulated under O.A.C. 1301:7-9 and operating in the WF-1 Overlay District is located in a sensitive area and must be upgraded to the sensitive area requirements specified in O.A.C. 1301:7-9-10 as required by the State Fire Marshal.
   (m)   The Administrative Officer shall be copied on all notices of intent, permit applications, and registrations related to an underground storage tank as they are submitted to the State Fire Marshal, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, or any other regulatory authority. An operator copying the Administrative Officer need only to copy the notice of intent and/or permit application. Maps, dimensional drawing and other engineering plans are not required unless requested. The Administrative Officer reserves the right to request additional information from the operator as needed. All information submitted shall be considered public information.
(Ord. 5412. Passed 4-4-00.)