(a)   In its review, the Planning Commission shall inquire into the general nature and specific details of the application in order to determine whether or not the proposed activity and the results thereof will be appropriate to the preservation of Downtown Miamisburg within the intent of this chapter. In determining such appropriateness, the Planning Commission shall consider building setbacks, landscaping, building height, parking, the historical value, architectural value, unique character, architectural style, general design, texture and other visible external aspects relative to the other structures within Downtown Miamisburg, in order to protect and preserve the historic value and character of the surrounding structures or the surrounding area and to achieve the purposes of this chapter. In conducting its review, the Planning Commission may request from the applicant such additional information, sketches and data as are needed to clearly describe the nature of the proposed activity involving both new construction and modifications to existing structures to assure compliance with the following:
      (1)   Buildings shall be architecturally oriented toward the public street with the main entrance facing the public street. Buildings on double frontage lots may be oriented toward one or both streets.
      (2)   Building details such as corner boards, window trim, cornices, decorative details, and exterior colors shall reflect and support the architectural style and characteristics of the building and other similar buildings in the immediate vicinity. Original building materials should, to the maximum extent possible, be maintained and preserved in place.
      (3)   The scale of a building's proportions and the building's massing shall be similar in character to historically significant buildings directly adjacent to the subject building. Building facades shall appropriately relate to the proportion, scale, form, mass, window size, roof line, setback, material, and horizontal dimension of such surrounding structures.
      (4)   Architectural details that will change the character of the roof and structure are discouraged. Television antennae, satellite dishes, and other mechanical equipment (including air conditioning equipment) shall be placed on facades or on parts of the site that are not visible from a public right-of-way.
      (5)   Introducing roof shapes, pitches, or materials not traditionally associated with the area or established architectural style shall be prohibited.
      (6)   Additions and/or modifications to existing buildings shall be designed and constructed so that character-defining features of the building are not radically changed, obscured, damaged or destroyed.
      (7)   Building additions such as balconies, decks, exterior stairs, or any other similar elements shall be placed on non-character defining elevations such as the rear or side facade.
      (8)   Outdoor ground-level seating areas may be located in the front of a building, as approved by the Planning Commission.
      (9)   Overly simplified, unarticulated or non-characteristic buildings or addition(s) with no details shall be avoided particularly in areas where rich detailing and ornamentation are common characteristics. Buildings shall be the same height as the average height of existing buildings within the immediate vicinity and preserve the ratio of solids (walls) and voids (windows and doors) as they relate to and are compatible with adjacent historic facades. The Planning Commission may authorize slightly taller buildings on corner sites to create a focal point for the intersection.
      (10)   Modifications and/or additions to storefronts, generally defined as that portion of a building that faces a public street usually containing display windows and the main entrance of a building, shall:
         A.   Contain building elements which fit into the existing scale, mass and design features of the original building.
         B.   Maintain the existing size and placement of all window and door openings, door and window trim, bulkheads, knee walls or other building design elements.
         C.   Retain or replicate original building ornamentation and architectural features.
   (b)   The demolition of any principal building or structure within the CBD-1 District shall require approval by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of a demolition permit. However, this provision shall not apply in those situations in which the public peace, health, safety or welfare require demolition for the purpose of abatement of nuisances or emergency as determined by the Chief Building Official.
   (c)   No minimum yards are required except in cases in which the proposed development directly abuts a residentially zoned area without street separation, in which case a side or rear yard shall be provided adjacent to the residential district, which shall meet the side or rear yard requirements of the adjacent residential district.
   (d)   Special uses shall comply with all pertinent development standards contained in Chapter 1296.
(Ord. 5192. Passed 1-6-98; Ord. 6392. Passed 6-4-13.)