Reutilization of Nonproductive Land
1239.01   Procedures adopted.
1239.02   Development Director to administer.
1239.03   Terms of sale.
1239.04   Sale, retention for public use, or transfer.
1239.05   Sale proceeds.
1239.06   Committee of taxing districts established.
1239.07   Neighborhood Advisory Committee established.
1239.08   Exemption from taxation.
   Ohio Land Reutilization Program - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 5722
   Sale of nonproductive delinquent land to political subdivision - see Ohio R.C. 5722.03
   Disposing of proceeds of sale - see Ohio R.C. 5722.08
   Committee of representatives of taxing districts - see Ohio R.C. 5722.09
   Tax exemption for lands acquired - see Ohio R.C. 5722.11
   Discontinuing Land Reutilization Program - Ohio R.C. 5722.12