(a)   Policy. It shall be the policy of the City to provide special recognition to and reward those employees who demonstrate extraordinary effort in the performance of their duties.
   (b)   Establishment; Implementation. The City Manager is hereby directed and authorized to establish and implement a program to recognize and compensate employees whose performance demonstrates extraordinary effort and is of exceptional benefit to the City, in accordance with the program guidelines set forth in this section.
   (c)   Policy Objective. The objective of the STAR * Performance Award Program is to encourage, recognize and reward City employees whose performance is of exceptional benefit to the City in the completion of its mission, goals and objectives.
   (d)   Policy Statement. It shall be the policy of the City to reward employees who demonstrate extraordinary effort in the performance of their duties. Employees meeting the criteria set forth herein shall be eligible for a STAR * Performance Award upon the recommendation of the STAR Review Committee and with the approval of the City Manager.
   (e)   Background. The performance of Municipal employees is a critical factor in determining the success of the City of Miamisburg organization. As a service organization, providing outstanding and high quality Municipal services to Miamisburg residents is a paramount concern. To ensure that public employees in the service of the “Star City” are motivated to render truly outstanding service and strive towards the highest standards of excellence, the STAR * Performance Award Program was created.
   (f)   Purpose. The purpose of the Program is to recognize the contributions of individuals or groups of employees which result in extraordinary, distinct and tangible improvements in the provision of Municipal services and in the accomplishment of the City's mission and goals.
   (g)   Criteria. Employee performance or achievements considered eligible for a STAR * Performance Award include the following:
      (1)   Outstanding acts which bring recognition to the City from the public;
      (2)   Actions that result in significant one-time or on-going improvements to Municipal operations;
      (3)   Actions that result in significant one-time or on-going cost savings to the City;
      (4)   Actions normally expected of an employee having a much greater skill level or experience in the position; and
      (5)   Actions involving extraordinary effort, diligence, courage, perseverance, empathy, initiative, leadership or creativity.
   (h)   Eligibility. All permanent full and part-time non-probationary employees or groups of employees shall be eligible under the following conditions:
      (1)   The employee has received no disciplinary actions of record (written reprimands and above) within the past 12 months;
      (2)   The employee has achieved satisfactory job performance as of the most recent performance evaluation;
      (3)   The employee is actively at work (except when a certified work related injury is involved); and
      (4)   The employee has not received a STAR * Performance Award within the past 12 months.
   (i)   Application. Any employee or group of employees may nominate individuals for an award. Such nominations shall be submitted on the STAR * Performance Award Nomination Sheet, a copy of which follows the text of this section, and shall carry the support and recommendation of the employee's immediate supervisor and department head (if both apply).
   (j)   Evaluation Process. All nominations will be considered by an Awards Committee consisting of the following persons: the Assistant City Manager, the Human Resources Coordinator and a department head, supervisor and non-supervisory employee appointed annually by the City Manager. The Committee will meet as applications are submitted, but no more than monthly. The Committee will review each application and may request additional information from the nominee's supervisor, department head or nominators.
   After considering the application, the Committee will vote on what, if any, award is to be recommended. Such recommendation will be forwarded to the City Manager for final consideration. A recommendation will not be accepted if fewer than four Committee members support it. A temporary Committee member may be appointed to fill in when a regular Committee member is nominated.
   (k)   Determination of Award. The Committee may provide either a cash award or time off, subject to the following guidelines:
      (1)   Employees may be eligible for cash awards up to one thousand, five hundred dollars ($1,500). The magnitude of the achievement/ performance in relation to the award criteria set forth above shall guide the Committee's recommendation. In lieu of cash, an employee may convert such award to paid vacation (not to exceed one week) equivalent to the cash award, the usage of which shall be governed by the City's vacation policy and/or appropriate collective bargaining agreement. Employees who have accumulated the maximum amount of vacation will not be eligible for this option.
      (2)   The value of the recommended award should not be made relative to the nominee's compensation level (e.g. department heads for the same degree of merit would not receive a higher cash award due to their higher salary).
      (3)   As a general rule, the number of criteria met should be a factor in determining the recommended award, in addition to the magnitude with which each criteria is met. Thus someone who meets only one of the five award criteria would generally be awarded less than someone meeting three of the five.
      (4)   Though the evaluation process is to be an objective one, the Committee should consider prior award levels in determining the appropriateness of each subsequent application.
      (5)   For team awards, the disposition of cash awarded will be based on the contribution of the individuals involved. Non-financial recognition may be granted if deemed appropriate for both individuals and teams.
      (6)   The standard of performance being sought in this program is to be considered extraordinary or exceptional. A good job is expected of all employees and is the basis for existing merit and cost-of-living adjustments. A STAR * performance is one which substantially goes beyond one's normal level of competence and effectiveness. As the City Manager is the final authority on all awards, the recommendation of the Committee may be adjusted upward or downward, or rejected entirely. All monetary awards shall be made from and limited by the annual budget allocation authorized by City Council for this program.
   (l)   Recognition. All award recipients shall be notified of such award by the City Manager's office and will be presented with the STAR * Performance Award at a City Council meeting. This ensures that City Council is aware of the outstanding performance being generated by City employees and will provide the financial resources to continue the program in the future. A certificate will accompany each cash award or, if so designated, may serve as a non-cash award.
   (m)   Timelines. The Awards Committee shall render its recommendation to the City Manager no later than sixty days from the date the nomination is submitted. Within thirty days of receipt of said recommendation, the City Manager will modify, approve or reject it. The City Manager may ask the Awards Committee for additional information, which the Committee must respond to within thirty days.
   (n)   Miscellaneous. As a cash reward related to performance, the lump sum award will be generated through payroll and would thus be subject to the appropriate deductions and withholdings.
   The award and final determinations of the City Manager are final. There is no appeal process.
   Employees may be considered for only one individual STAR * Performance Award at any one given point in time. Any employee simultaneously nominated for two individual awards may elect to withdraw his or her name from consideration on either nomination. Employees may not nominate themselves.
Nomination Form
Nominee(s): List employee name(s) to be considered for award.
________________________________________      ______________________________________
________________________________________      ______________________________________
________________________________________      ______________________________________
Department & Division: ______________________________________          Date: ______________________________________
Submitted by: ______________________________________            Title: ______________________________________
Department: ______________________________________             Signature: ______________________________________
Briefly describe the basis for the nomination:
Provide justification for the nomination relative to the award criteria specified in the attached policy:
For nominations involving more than one employee, clearly indicate the role of the individual team members:
Department Director's Comments:
________________________________________      ________________________________________
Employee Supervisor    Date                Department Head    Date
Awards Committee Action
TO:         City Manager
FROM:   Awards Committee
DATE: ________________________________________
The Committee has reviewed the attached nomination of ________________________________________ for a STAR * Performance Award. Having thoroughly investigated the merits of this case, the Committee recommends the following action:
                     O   No award recommended
                     O   Certificate award only
                     O   Cash award in the amount of $ ___________________
The Committee's recommendation is based upon the following:
(Cash awards must be recommended by no less than four of the Committee members)
City Manager's Certification
The recommendation of the Awards Committee is hereby:
   O   Accepted
   O   Rejected
   O   Returned for more information (see explanation)
   O   Modified (see explanation)
________________________________________      ________________________________________
City Manager's Signature                Date
(Ord. 5113. Passed 2-18-97.)